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ROOT Version: 6.24.06
Platform: MacOS Monterey 12.1
Compiler: Not Provided
I’m trying to install ROOT with: brew install root
, but failed to run.
I read other post on this error, saying you could run root with xcode13.0 and command line tools 13.0.
I double check with : brew config
ORIGIN: GitHub - Homebrew/brew: 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
HEAD: 2ae21a582a90571abb66b7fbceb04cd1e53785bf
Last commit: 3 days ago
Core tap ORIGIN: GitHub - Homebrew/homebrew-core: 🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
Core tap HEAD: 418b698549028fc21843eff2c6747d56665cfacd
Core tap last commit: 2 hours ago
Core tap branch: master
HOMEBREW_PREFIX: /opt/homebrew
HOMEBREW_CORE_GIT_REMOTE: GitHub - Homebrew/homebrew-core: 🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
Homebrew Ruby: 2.6.8 => /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.6/usr/bin/ruby
CPU: 10-core 64-bit arm_firestorm_icestorm
Clang: 13.0.0 build 1300
Git: 2.30.1 => /Applications/
Curl: 7.77.0 => /usr/bin/curl
macOS: 12.1-arm64
Xcode: 13.0
Rosetta 2: false
Surprisingly, I tried to install it in conda and it works. Is there any idea on why they are different?
P.S. following ROOT 6.24/06 can not work on macOS Monterey I actually managed to run root once. But I reinstalled root and it fails since then. And didn’t succeed even reinstalling the entire homebrew. But work with conda after reinstalling.
Best regards,