Olivier Couet received a Physic’s Master from the Strasbourg University and a Master’s Degree in Engineering from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Strasbourg (ENSPS) on work in computer graphics and image processing in 1985. He then performed his Ph.D work (in Computer Graphics) at the Laboratoire D’Annecy le Vieux de Physique des Particules (LAPP) on the PAW project. He has been employed by CERN since 1988. He was one of the main authors of the PAW system, more precisely its graphical components (HIGZ and HPLOT). HIGZ has been the standard graphics package in High Energy Physics for years and is still being used. He was responsible for the PAW system from 1995 until he joined the ROOT team in 2002 and took responsibility of the graphics work package.