Using RooMomentMorphFuncND

Dear experts,

I’m trying to implement RooMomentMorphFuncND in ROOT 6.30/06 with Apple clang version 15.0.0.

I’m not sure I’ve implemented it properly, but the test code below creates a grid of 2D Gaussians at the corners of the grid, and I want to have the RooMomentMorphFuncND interpolate to an arbitary point in that space. The code is shown below.

const double X_MIN=0.;
const double X_MAX=5.;
const double Y_MIN=0.;
const double Y_MAX=4000.;

const double TX_MIN=0.4;
const double TX_MAX=4.0;
const double TY_MIN=200.;
const double TY_MAX=3000.;

const double TX_STEP=0.1;
const double TY_STEP=10;

const string concat(const string& s1, const string& s2)
  return s1+s2;

RooProdPdf* create2DGauss(string name, RooRealVar& x, RooRealVar& y, double mean1, double mean2, double sigma1, double sigma2)
  RooRealVar* mean1v=new RooRealVar(concat(name,"mean1").c_str(), "mean of Gaussian 1", mean1);
  RooRealVar* mean2v=new RooRealVar(concat(name,"mean2").c_str(), "mean of Gaussian 2", mean2);
  RooRealVar* sigma1v=new RooRealVar(concat(name,"sigma1").c_str(), "sigma of Gaussian 1", sigma1,1e-30,1e30);
  RooRealVar* sigma2v=new RooRealVar(concat(name,"sigma2").c_str(), "sigma of Gaussian 2", sigma2,1e-30,1e30);

  // Create the Gaussian PDF in x and y
  RooGaussian* gaussX=new RooGaussian(concat(name,"gaussX").c_str(), "Gaussian in x", x, *mean1v, *sigma1v);
  RooGaussian* gaussY=new RooGaussian(concat(name,"gaussY").c_str(), "Gaussian in y", y, *mean2v, *sigma2v);
  // Create a 2D Gaussian PDF by multiplying the individual Gaussians
  RooProdPdf *pdf= new RooProdPdf(concat(name,"gauss2D").c_str(), "2D Gaussian PDF", RooArgList(*gaussX, *gaussY));
  return pdf;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  TApplication app("myApp", nullptr, nullptr);

  // observables
  RooRealVar x("x", "x", X_MIN, X_MAX);
  RooRealVar y("y", "y", Y_MIN, Y_MAX);
  // theory parameters
  RooRealVar tx("tx","tx",TX_MIN,TX_MAX);
  RooRealVar ty("ty","ty",TY_MIN,TY_MAX);

  // grid binning
  RooBinning bintx((TX_MAX-TX_MIN)/TX_STEP,TX_MIN,TX_MAX);
  RooBinning binty((TY_MAX-TY_MIN)/TY_STEP,TY_MIN,TY_MAX);
  RooMomentMorphFuncND::Grid2 grid(bintx,binty);

  double m_p, m_o;
  m_o=TX_MIN; m_p=TY_MIN;  grid.addPdf(*create2DGauss("G1",x,y,m_o,m_p,m_o*0.1,m_p*0.1),bintx.binNumber(m_o),binty.binNumber(m_p));
  m_o=TX_MIN; m_p=TY_MAX; grid.addPdf(*create2DGauss("G2",x,y,m_o,m_p,m_o*0.1,m_p*0.1),bintx.binNumber(m_o),binty.binNumber(m_p));
  m_o=TX_MAX; m_p=TY_MIN;  grid.addPdf(*create2DGauss("G3",x,y,m_o,m_p,m_o*0.1,m_p*0.1),bintx.binNumber(m_o),binty.binNumber(m_p));
  m_o=TX_MAX; m_p=TY_MAX; grid.addPdf(*create2DGauss("G4",x,y,m_o,m_p,m_o*0.1,m_p*0.1),bintx.binNumber(m_o),binty.binNumber(m_p));

  RooMomentMorphFuncND morph("morph","morph",RooArgList(tx,ty),RooArgList(x,y),grid,RooMomentMorphFuncND::Linear);
  RooWrapperPdf pdf("morph_pdf","morph_pdf",morph,true);
  // generate at a given point
  TH2D* hist = new TH2D("hist", "hist", 100, X_MIN, X_MAX, 100, Y_MIN, Y_MAX);
  return 0;

I’m getting a series of errors, for instance:

[#0] ERROR:Eval -- RooAbsReal::logEvalError(morph_transVar_0_1) evaluation error,
 origin       : RooLinearVar::morph_transVar_0_1[ var=y slope=morph_slope_0_1 offset=morph_offset_0_1 ]
 message      : function value is NAN
 server values: var=y=-520, slope=morph_slope_0_1=nan, offset=morph_offset_0_1=nan

Any help would be appreciated.



Hi @johnpaul,

I think that @jonas can help with this!


Thanks! Any help is appreciated.

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Thank you very much for trying out these morphing classes!

It’s a bit difficult to deal with them, because they are neither tested not documented.

In ROOT 6.30, I unified the implementation of RooMomentMorphND and RooMomentMorphNDFunc, but I missed a necessary change in the copy constructor. The errors are related to this. I’m fixing it now, so it will make it to the next patch releases.

Besides this error, does the RooMomentMorphNDFunc work for you? Because for me, the output looks wrong as soon as I go to 2D. There is no nice interpolated peak in the middle of the plane.

Or did this code you have work for any ROOT version in the past?


Hi Jonas,

Thanks for this! I made this fix to my local copy of ROOT, and I no longer received the NaN errors.

Unfortunately, I still can’t tell about the interpolation. Despite setting the parameters to some intermediate value (e.g. setting tx and ty to 2 and 300, respectively), the RooMomentMorphFuncND always seems to return the 1st PDF in the grid. Perhaps there is something wrong in my implementation?


John Paul

Hi! Yes that’s what I see too. I have simplified your script to be 1D, so that it’s easier to understand and then one can also compare with the 1D versions of the morphing classes:

std::unique_ptr<RooAbsPdf> createGauss(std::string name, RooRealVar &x, double mean1, double sigma1)
   RooRealVar *mean1v = new RooRealVar((name + "mean1").c_str(), "mean of Gaussian 1", mean1);
   RooRealVar *sigma1v = new RooRealVar((name + "sigma1").c_str(), "sigma of Gaussian 1", sigma1, 1e-30, 1e30);
   auto gauss = std::make_unique<RooGaussian>((name + "gaussX").c_str(), "Gaussian in x", x, *mean1v, *sigma1v);
   gauss->addOwnedComponents({*mean1v, *sigma1v});
   return gauss;

void repro()
   const double X_MIN = 0.;
   const double X_MAX = 5.;

   const double TX_MIN = 0.4;
   const double TX_MAX = 4.0;

   const double TX_STEP = 0.1;

   // observables
   RooRealVar x("x", "x", X_MIN, X_MAX);

   // theory parameters
   RooRealVar tx("tx", "tx", TX_MIN, TX_MAX);

   // grid binning
   RooBinning bintx((TX_MAX - TX_MIN) / TX_STEP, TX_MIN, TX_MAX);
   RooMomentMorphFuncND::Grid2 grid(bintx);

   auto pdf1 = createGauss("G1", x, TX_MIN, TX_MIN * 0.1);
   auto pdf3 = createGauss("G3", x, TX_MAX, TX_MAX * 0.1);

   grid.addPdf(*pdf1, bintx.binNumber(TX_MIN));
   grid.addPdf(*pdf3, bintx.binNumber(TX_MAX));

   // This falls back to the first pdf
   RooMomentMorphFuncND morph("morph", "morph", tx, x, grid, RooMomentMorphFuncND::Linear);
   // This works, although the normalization is wrong.
   // RooMomentMorphFuncND morph("morph","morph",tx,x,{*pdf1, *pdf3}, RooArgList{TX_MIN, TX_MAX},RooMomentMorphFuncND::Linear);

   RooWrapperPdf pdf("morph_pdf", "morph_pdf", morph, true);

   auto c1 = new TCanvas();

   // generate at a given point
   auto frame = x.frame();
   std::unique_ptr<RooAbsData> data{pdf.generateBinned(x, 10000, true)};
   pdf1->plotOn(frame, RooFit::LineColor(kRed));
   pdf3->plotOn(frame, RooFit::LineColor(kGreen));


Looks exactly like you described:

If one doesn’t use the grid, it looks better but the normalization is wrong:

I’ll take another look tomorrow, but I’m afraid I won’t be faster in understanding what’s going on than you. The Grid thing is completely untested and undocumented, maybe we indeed use it wrong.


Ok, thanks for looking into it. I’ll try to investigate this further over the weekend. I’m not a RooStats expert, but maybe I’ll spot something.


John Paul

Hi Jonas,

I think I figured out what we did wrong (I should really say what I did wrong, since I introduced the mistake). First, from my testing, it appears that the grid can’t have any gaps. Second, the binNumber(TX_MAX) doesn’t return the expected value. As we’ve constructed it, it will return the value of the last bin rather than the overflow bin number, which is how the counting needs to work. This can be fixed by using something like:

int getBin(RooBinning& binning, double val)
  if(val>=binning.highBound()) return binning.numBins();
  else return binning.binNumber(val);

Finally, I’m afraid I can’t reproduce your incorrect normalization on my system. It seems to return the right normalization for me.

In any case, for posterity, I’m including the code that I managed to get to work for the 2D case below.

Thanks again for your help.


John Paul

using namespace RooFit;
using namespace std;

const double X_MIN=0.;
const double X_MAX=5.;
const double Y_MIN=0.;
const double Y_MAX=4000.;

const double TX_MIN=0.4;
const double TX_MAX=4.0;
const double TY_MIN=200.;
const double TY_MAX=3000.;

const string concat(const string& s1, const string& s2)
  return s1+s2;

RooProdPdf* create2DGauss(string name, RooRealVar& x, RooRealVar& y, double mean1, double mean2, double sigma1, double sigma2)
  RooRealVar* mean1v=new RooRealVar(concat(name,"mean1").c_str(), "mean of Gaussian 1", mean1);
  RooRealVar* mean2v=new RooRealVar(concat(name,"mean2").c_str(), "mean of Gaussian 2", mean2);
  RooRealVar* sigma1v=new RooRealVar(concat(name,"sigma1").c_str(), "sigma of Gaussian 1", sigma1,1e-30,1e30);
  RooRealVar* sigma2v=new RooRealVar(concat(name,"sigma2").c_str(), "sigma of Gaussian 2", sigma2,1e-30,1e30);

  // Create the Gaussian PDF in x and y
  RooGaussian* gaussX=new RooGaussian(concat(name,"gaussX").c_str(), "Gaussian in x", x, *mean1v, *sigma1v);
  RooGaussian* gaussY=new RooGaussian(concat(name,"gaussY").c_str(), "Gaussian in y", y, *mean2v, *sigma2v);
  // Create a 2D Gaussian PDF by multiplying the individual Gaussians
  RooProdPdf *pdf= new RooProdPdf(concat(name,"gauss2D").c_str(), "2D Gaussian PDF", RooArgList(*gaussX, *gaussY));
  return pdf;

int getBin(RooBinning& binning, double val)
  if(val>=binning.highBound()) return binning.numBins();
  else return binning.binNumber(val);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  TApplication app("myApp", nullptr, nullptr);

  // observables
  RooRealVar x("x", "x", X_MIN, X_MAX);
  RooRealVar y("y", "y", Y_MIN, Y_MAX);
  // theory parameters
  RooRealVar tx("tx","tx",TX_MIN,TX_MAX);
  RooRealVar ty("ty","ty",TY_MIN,TY_MAX);

  // grid binning
  RooBinning bintx(1,TX_MIN,TX_MAX);
  RooBinning binty(1,TY_MIN,TY_MAX);
  RooMomentMorphFuncND::Grid2 grid(bintx,binty);

  double m_p, m_o;
 m_o=TX_MIN; m_p=TY_MIN; RooProdPdf* G1=create2DGauss("G1",x,y,m_o,m_p,m_o*0.06,m_p*0.03); grid.addPdf(*G1,getBin(bintx,m_o),getBin(binty,m_p));
  m_o=TX_MIN; m_p=TY_MAX; RooProdPdf* G2=create2DGauss("G2",x,y,m_o,m_p,m_o*0.06,m_p*0.03); grid.addPdf(*G2,getBin(bintx,m_o),getBin(binty,m_p));
  m_o=TX_MAX; m_p=TY_MIN; RooProdPdf* G3=create2DGauss("G3",x,y,m_o,m_p,m_o*0.06,m_p*0.03); grid.addPdf(*G3,getBin(bintx,m_o),getBin(binty,m_p));
  m_o=TX_MAX; m_p=TY_MAX; RooProdPdf* G4=create2DGauss("G4",x,y,m_o,m_p,m_o*0.06,m_p*0.03); grid.addPdf(*G4,getBin(bintx,m_o),getBin(binty,m_p));

  RooMomentMorphFuncND morph("morph","morph",RooArgList(tx,ty),RooArgList(x,y),grid,RooMomentMorphFuncND::Linear);
  RooWrapperPdf pdf("morph_pdf","morph_pdf",morph,true);
  auto framex = x.frame();
  auto framey = y.frame();

    // generate at a given point
  pdf.plotOn(framex, RooFit::LineColor(kBlue));
  pdf.plotOn(framey, RooFit::LineColor(kBlue));

  // change the point's value
  pdf.plotOn(framex, RooFit::LineColor(kRed));
  pdf.plotOn(framey, RooFit::LineColor(kRed));
  TCanvas c;

  return 0;

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