Hello everyone,
I am trying to use the spread option of the TProfile function. Here is what I am doing:
TProfile* histo2ProfY2 = Histogram2->ProfileY("histo2ProfY2", 0, -1, "s [cut1]");
histo2ProfY2->SetTitle("RMS (Spread) ProfileY of tot vs. nSigmaTof(#pi)");
However, the above code does not produce a different outcome than when I use the default option with no βsβ:
TProfile* histo2ProfY1 = Histogram2->ProfileY("histo2ProfY1", 0, -1, "[cut1]");
histo2ProfY1->SetTitle("ProfileY of tot vs. nSigmaTof(#pi)");
I also attached an image of the output of both pieces of codes at the end of this thread. The comparison between the default plot and the plot where the option βsβ is specified tells me that turning on option βsβ is really not doing anything. Any thoughts on how to turn on the spread option βsβ properly?
Thank you very much and I really appreciate the help!
SampleOutput.pdf (55.1 KB)
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