I want to load ROOT in my conda environment. The conda environment has Python 3.7 and I am unable to find ROOT build with centos7 and Python3.7. I am checking in sft.cern.ch and slc7 cmssw builds.
Thank you.
I am avoiding to that. Since, I am downloading on my serve, ROOT and other packages (COFFEA, DASK, UPROOT) need to be compatible with each other. I have gone through this issue, so just want to load an already built ROOT
I am asking conda to install ROOT and it is taking forever to solve the environment (~2 hrs). Is this expected? I am adding the lines below which it printed :
conda is notoriously slow. I find myself much better when using mamba. It’s the same as using conda, but much faster. I suggest you read the docs, but the following steps should already give you a minimal working environment (taken from here):
curl -L -O "https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Mambaforge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
bash Mambaforge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh
# The bash script will install mamba into a folder of your choice
# For simplicity, in the following I suppose you installed it
# in a folder called `mambaforge` in the same directory where you
# ran the bash script.
source mambaforge/bin/activate
mamba create -n myenv root python==3.7.*