I’m trying to run the roofit tutorials, and they don’t seem to work. I get errors like the following:
fatal error: ‘RooGlobalFunc.h’ file not found
fatal error: ‘RooPlot.h’ file not found
I found the source files and created those files in my roofit directory (./root-6.06.06/roofit/roofitcore/inc), and tried following these solutions to adding the path to my macro:
I try to add an external header file by using the command
gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I/path/…") but my header file is not seen by root.
I also tried gIntepreter->AddIncludePath("-I/path") Without success.
Om using root-v5-26-00b.
My rootlogon.C looks like thos
gInterpreter->AddIncludePath("-I${ALICE_ROOT}/HLT/CALO “);
gSystem->AddIncludePath(”-I${ALICE_ROOT}/HLT/CALO ");
Add the same statements inside my root macro (attached, without sucess )
6GeV-fitted.root (317 KB)
calib.C …
But when I follow their instructions, my attached tutorial gets this error:
error: expected function body after function declarator
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
rf101_basics.C (2.6 KB)
Have a good Day!
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Execute “root-config --has-roofit” and see if you get “yes”.
If you get “no”, then you need to rebuild your ROOT enabling “roofit”.
root-config --has-roofit
Thank you. I got a “no”, so I am going to try to rebuild and add the fix here later.
June 6, 2017, 5:45pm
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