Dear Root experts,
I have installed “ROOT 6.28/04” recently using “yum install” on RHEL9.2.
I am aware that the mentioned Root release is for Centos8 but I have no choice but using RHEL9.2 since that is the only OS available.
Everything works pretty well except RooFitting. When I try my fitting code, I receive the following error:
fatal error: ‘RooGlobalFunc.h’ file not found
After some search, I came across the following suggestion by @Wile_E_Coyote
When I execute the suggested command I get “yes”.
Again, I know that the Root release is not supposed to be installed on RHEL9 but I was wondering if you can help me get it to work.
Any suggestions is appreciated
By the way, I am sure the fitting code has no problems since it worked on older versions of Root (installed on the right OS)
I also tried to install root using conda. I installed miniconda3 and successfully installed root with no error. However, when I try to compile and run my code, I receive the following warning:
Warning in cling::IncrementalParser::CheckABICompatibility():
Possible C++ standard library mismatch, compiled with GLIBCXX ‘20220421’
Extraction of runtime standard library version was: ‘20230528’
I can try any suggestions for both method of installation, miniconda or yum.
Dear experts,
Sorry for sending a lot of replies, but I thought this might be helpful.
Despite the warning message (in the previous reply) I receive, it seems that my code is running fine and produces expected results.
Should I just ignore the warning? I am worried it might cause problems later.
well, if your code doesn’t crash even with the library mismatch warning, it just means that you’re probably not using the standard library components that have a different ABI, so everything is fine and I would ignore the warnings.
But still, it’s maybe better and easier to install ROOT with yum because you don’t need the conda environment.
I think in Fedora and RHEL packages, even though ROOT is built with RooFit enabled (and hence you the the “yes” from root-config), the headers and libraries are split over separate packages:
Hi @jonas ,
Thank you very much for your response.
I actually installed root-roofit-core yesterday after I got the error message:
fatal error: ‘RooGlobalFunc.h’ file not found
This solved the error; however, many header files such as RooExponential.h was missing.
I guess, as you suggested, I can install Root using Yumn and afterwards, install root-roofit-core.
What other packages should I install for the missing header files?
Is it enough to install root-roofit* packages?
Dear @jonas ,
Once again, thank you for your help.
As I mentioned, I installed Root using Yum and all the RooFit packages you suggested.
I no longer get the error messages or missing header files. My code runs successfully.
Thank you again.