Try the following procedure (in case anything goes wrong you’ll have additional “configure.out.txt” and “make.out.txt” files to look into): [code]#
make sure we have a clean source code
cd /srv/opt/root
rm -f root
rm -rf root_v5.34.20
tar -zxf root_v5.34.20.source.tar.gz
mv root root_v5.34.20
make sure really NOTHING in the environment points to ANY old ROOT version
cd /srv/opt/root
rm -f root
if [ -e “${HOME}/.rootrc” ] ; then mv -f ${HOME}/.rootrc ${HOME}/.rootrc.old ; fi
build new ROOT
cd /srv/opt/root
cd root_v5.34.20
./configure --enable-soversion --all > configure.out.txt 2>&1
make > make.out.txt 2>&1[/code] and then open a new xterminal and try: [code]cd /srv/opt/root/root_v5.34.20
source bin/
cd /Where/You/Keep/The/canvas2x2/Test/Macro
root -n canvas2x2.C[/code]