It is because the axis labels are long and the title is automatically positioned to not overlap them. That was a recent request we had. Before the title would have overlapped the labels.
a probably better strategy would be for the ROOT painter to automatically compute the width+height needed for the X/Y axes, their ticks+ticks’ labels, reserve enough space for those, and then display the axis-label in the leftover space.
no user intervention needed.
Yes that’s always the same discussion “automatic” vs “user control” …
If all is automatic there is no way to define precisely a plot ready for publication placing precisely all the elements.
We are now by default placing the Y axis title automatically and still there is cases like this one where adjustments are required. You suggest more automatic setting… thats all fine until somebody comes with a case where the automatic placements are not producing what he/she wants and we are back in the same situation …that’s a bit endless.
still, there is a difference between having something automatic that automatically put overlaping glyphs (as is reported here) and something that doesn’t fit someone’s aesthetical taste.