since it seems some packages are not included in the standrad libroot-bindings (like TSpectrum and others) i did brute-force:
So everything looks fine but i get the error message:
[quote]Error in TUnixSystem::DynamicPathName: GX11[.so | .dll | .dylib | .sl | .dl | .a] does not exist in /usr/lib:.::/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/root5.34:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/root5.34/cint/stl
Error in TUnixSystem::DynamicPathName: HistPainter[.so | .dll | .dylib | .sl | .dl | .a] does not exist in /usr/lib:.::/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/root5.34:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/root5.34/cint/stl[/quote]
when drawing a simple TH1F or i guess anything graphical.
Any ideas? Of course I searched for the problem, but everything i found seems not to match my problem. I hope i stated all important info.
Thanks. apt-get install root-system* solved the X11 Problem. apt-get install root-plugin* needed the package libiodbc2 before so I installed it. After installing root-plugin also the second error message is gone and the histo was drawn. Now everything seems to work. THANK you
Hi everyone,
I just read what “You think about it” and am also otherwise convinced. What path structure do you prefer for the installation and why? I know there is a section Install location in the documentation, but i would like your coments
It’s up to you to decide where you want to keep your ROOT installations.
Here are some old posts with examples of different building procedures:
P.S. Note that you must first get rid of the “system-provided” ROOT version → execute “sudo apt-get purge root-system* root-plugin* libroot*” (afterwards check that the “/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/root5.34” and the “/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/root5.34” subdirectories disappeared completely).