Installing Root on ubuntu 14.04

Try in [t]csh (build it in “/tmp/ROOT/root”, install it into “/usr/physics/root_v5.34.32”) … cd /tmp sudo rm -rf ROOT mkdir ROOT cd ROOT wget tar -zxf root_v5.34.32.source.tar.gz cd root setenv ROOTSYS /usr/physics/root_v5.34.32 sudo rm -rf ${ROOTSYS} ./configure --enable-soversion --all make sudo ROOTSYS=${ROOTSYS} make install cd /tmp rm -rf ROOT If you have “libpythia8-dev” package installed, add “–with-pythia8-incdir=/usr/include/Pythia8” to the configure line above (you can also add “–build=debug” if you like).
Then in [t]csh … cd source /usr/physics/root_v5.34.32/bin/thisroot.csh root