Extration of data from the Histrogram

New to root as well as programming. I have root files with histograms stored in it. I am not able to take the mean (TCUTG) of the different spots in a 2D histro dE vs E. File is attached. Please help.
075336_processed.root (178 KB)

I see the 2D histogram in your file but no TCutG:

root [1] _file0->ls()
TFile**		075336_processed.root	
 TFile*		075336_processed.root	
  KEY: TH2D	histdEE;1	histdEE
  KEY: TH1F	histdE;1	histdE
  KEY: TH1F	histE;1	histE
  KEY: TH1F	histETot;1	histETot
  KEY: TH1I	ADCSpectrum0;1	ADCSpectrum0
  KEY: TH1I	ADCSpectrum1;1	ADCSpectrum1