Dear all,
I’m a bit new in programming in Root and I have actually found the first wall to crash . I will explain in detail what I have and what I need.
The output of my experiments is an ascci file with four columns (each column corresponding with one detector) and n rows, where each row is an alpha particle delivering a signal in each detector. So each alpha creates a signal in all four channels at the same time. With this ascii file I have written a script to create a root file (I send you attached) with one ntuple and four branches (namely ch0, ch1, ch2 and ch3).
Out of all events that I have in the root file, I’m only interested in those which are inside a bi-dimensional cut that I draw with the “graphical cut” when plotting ch1 vs ch3 (have a look to the screenshot).
And now the question is the following: is it possible to write a script that creates an ascii file containing only the events within the graphical cut?. I mean, those from ch1 and ch3 that are inside the cut and the corresponding ones from ch0 and ch2. The format should be four columns (ch0 ch1 ch2 ch3) and m rows.
Thanks for the help and best regards,
Jose Manuel.
Run046_mod.root (338 Bytes)