Consistent issues with ROOT on macOS


I’m having consistent issues with ROOT on my macOS Sonoma 14.2.1. When I try to run a command on some ROOT dependent software I have installed, I get:

alexgavin@Alexs-MacBook-Air Run % UCLSignalAna data/mu3e_vertex_signal_r1_f4000.root

Reading data/mu3e_vertex_signal_r1_f4000.root and tree vertex

clang: **error:** **argument to '-isysroot' is missing (expected 1 value)**

clang: **error:** **no input files**

ERROR in cling::CIFactory::createCI(): cannot extract standard library include paths!


LC_ALL=C /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++ -isysroot;/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.0.sdk -xc++ -E -v /dev/null 2>&1 | sed -n -e '/^.include/,${' -e '/^ \/.*++/p' -e '}'

Results was:

clang: **error:** **argument to '-isysroot' is missing (expected 1 value)**

clang: **error:** **no input files**

I’ve rebuilt ROOT several times and ROOT seems to be working fine on everything else. I’ve rebuilt the software that contains this command ‘UCLSignalAna’ after every new ROOT build and it builds and installs just fine, but I always get this error when I try to run. I’ve also tried uninstalling and reinstalling Xcode and command line tools but to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Let’s ping a macOS user… @couet , @moneta ?

I have never seen this error myself on Mac but I see a similar report here:

Rebuilding ROOT seems to have cured the problem.

You said you rebuilt ROOT, as it does have cured the problem for you are you sure the software UCLSignalAna is using the new version you rebuilt ? mays be it is still pointing to an older one ?

Also have you asked the authors of UCLSignalAna ?


I did see this other post before I posted mine and tried to rebuild like they did. I’m sure UCLSignalAna is using my new build since I source /path/to/root/install/bin/ in every new window, unless I am mistaken in thinking this will tell UCLSignalAna which root to use? The author of this software told me to rebuild ROOT but they’re not very familiar with macOS so can’t offer in depth advice. I’m quite stuck on what to do since I’ve already spent many hours trying to rebuild.

Also I have a root file and when I try root myfile.root, I get the same error when previously it opened on my internet browser

Ah ? so you also get the same error directly with ROOT ? can you post the output you get when you do:

root myrootfile.root


Yes, I do. Please see the error below:

alexgavin@Alexs-MacBook-Air Run % root plot_files/mu3e_vertex_signal_r1_f4000_plots.root

clang: **error:** **argument to '-isysroot' is missing (expected 1 value)**

clang: **error:** **no input files**

ERROR in cling::CIFactory::createCI(): cannot extract standard library include paths!


LC_ALL=C /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++ -isysroot;/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.0.sdk -xc++ -E -v /dev/null 2>&1 | sed -n -e '/^.include/,${' -e '/^ \/.*++/p' -e '}'

Results was:

clang: **error:** **argument to '-isysroot' is missing (expected 1 value)**

clang: **error:** **no input files**

With exit code 0

Ok, so that’s really root issue. Do you see this error with any root file or just with that one ? if that’s only this one can we have access to it ?

Hi, it’s happening for all ROOT files. I’ve decided to rebuild one final time before I throw in the towel, but if the issue persists then I’ll return here for further advice. Thanks for your help so far!

Do you get the error message only when you attach a root file or just starting root without parameter gives you also the same error ?
Which root version have you installed ?
Did you get the sources from GitHub ?

I’m using v6.28.06 and yes I cloned the source from GitHub. Do you recommend a later release? ROOT is still rebuilding on my system so I can try just running the root command without a parameter when it’s done, but I’m pretty sure I get the same error just running the root command.

I am compiling and running ROOT master on various MacOS version . It is fine. What processor has your Mac ? which MacOS version ?

Processor: 1.1 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
macOS: Sonoma 14.2.1

The build on my system takes well over 2 hours. Is this normal? I’m building with the following flags:
-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 -Dbuiltin_glew=ON -Dbuiltin_openssl=ON -Dhttp=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

2 hours ?? no that’s not normal. I will try on a similar machine

Yes I thought it seemed quite long. Might I add that I’m building using the command -j7 so using 7/8 cores so I’m unsure why it takes quite so long.

yes with -j8 it should be must faster. I am trying on a similar machine now (note I just saw that MacOS 14.3 is available)

So use -j8 instead of -j7? I can try that and maybe I could update my system too if you recommend that? Thanks for trying on your system too, I’m interested to see how much slower my build is.

-j7 or -j8 should not make a difference

I see, that is strange why its taking so long then.

On a similar machine as yours I did:

root built in 32 minutes

then I ran root fine… no errors.