2D Histogram colz0 option

Hi, I have a similar problem to the one described here: https://root-forum.cern.ch/t/2d-histograms-with-col-option/18603/6

My TH2F histogram has values close to 0 in it, but they are being drawn white instead of the lowest color on the palette:

I.e. the white 0.009 value should be blue. I have tried the “colz0”, “colz” and “colz1” options (in ROOT 6), but they all produce the same results. I would set the background color to be the lowest value, but I actually want the white space below the diagonal cells to represent no entries. Are these options not the right ones for this problem? Thank you.

I cannot reproduce your problem the attached macro produces the attached image.th2col.C (190 Bytes)

By the way what is your palette ? can you add the option Z to your plot ?

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