OK, I patched THistPainter.cxx myself to do this.
Now, if I do just Draw(“colz”) the behaviour is the usual: bins with z<zmin are not painted.
But if I do Draw(“colz0”) they are!
Here is the result in my plot:
So I am happy!
Just to let you know I edited the following lines in THistPainter.cxx
l = strstr(chopt,"COLZ");
if (l) {
strncpy(l," ",4);
if (hdim>1) {
Hoption.Color = 2;
Hoption.Scat = 0;
Hoption.Zscale = 1;
Hoption.Zero = 1;
} else {
Hoption.Hist = 1;
l = strstr(chopt,"COL" );
if (l) {
strncpy(l," ", 3);
if (hdim>1) {
Hoption.Color = 1;
Hoption.Scat = 0;
Hoption.Zero = 1;
} else {
Hoption.Hist = 1;
Which means that the Hoption.Zero flag is set or not depending on the “0” option.
Then I go to the other line that you pointed out and do:
if (z < zmin) continue;
So this condition is evaluated only if the flag is not set.
What do you think?