Wrong name in TCutG doc

Hello, in the TCutG documentation, one can read

[quote]Example of use of a TCutG in TTree::Draw:
tree.Draw(“x:y”,“mycutg && z>0 %% sqrt(x)>1”)[/quote]
“mycutg” should be replaced by “cutg” to be consistent with the declaration of the TCutG object few lines above (TCutG *cutg = new TCutG(“mycut”,5);). Otherwise, all the “cutg” should be replaced by “mycutg” to be consistent with the previous “example”.

This is 3 separated examples. I don’t think the name of the TGCut really matters as soon as each example
is consistent.

Ah ok, I did not get that it was a third example. Maybe you could add a blank line to better separate the second and the third examples. Sorry for the noise.

done in the sources. It will appears on the web as soon as the doc will be regenerated.