What these warning and error means?

Good day Rooters,

I am trying to create a PDF, f(y) = 2y / sqrt ( abs( (y^2 - y_min^2 ) (y_max^2 - y^2) ) ), and convolve it with a gaussian function. Unfortunately, I do not know if my convolution result is right. By the way, can someone help me understand what these warnings are and how to fixed ?

Attached are the warnings and the macro.
hepfile.cpp (1.5 KB)

Processing hepfile.cpp…
Info in TMacOSXSystem::ACLiC: creating shared library /Users/marlonbrade/Desktop/Zprime_Project/Phd_thesis/RooRooMyPdfPdf_cxx.so
[#1] INFO:Caching – Changing internal binning of variable ‘t’ in FFT ‘lxg’ from 100 to 930 to improve the precision of the numerical FFT. This can be done manually by setting an additional binning named ‘cache’.
[#1] INFO:Eval – RooRealVar::setRange(t) new range named ‘refrange_fft_lxg’ created with bounds [1800,2500]
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration – RooRealIntegral::init(RooMyPdf_Int[t]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(t)
[#0] WARNING:Integration – RooIntegrator1D::integral: integral of RooMyPdf over range (1764.62,2535.38) did not converge after 20 steps
[1] h = 1 , s = 0.685722
[2] h = 0.25 , s = 1.76536
[3] h = 0.0625 , s = 1.88209
[4] h = 0.015625 , s = 1.98532
[5] h = 0.00390625 , s = 2.89548
[6] h = 0.000976562 , s = 2.55898
[7] h = 0.000244141 , s = 2.49124
[8] h = 6.10352e-05 , s = 2.68567
[9] h = 1.52588e-05 , s = 2.66027
[10] h = 3.8147e-06 , s = 2.65025
[11] h = 9.53674e-07 , s = 2.72905
[12] h = 2.38419e-07 , s = 2.70883
[13] h = 5.96046e-08 , s = 2.72261
[14] h = 1.49012e-08 , s = 2.72175
[15] h = 3.72529e-09 , s = 2.7253
[16] h = 9.31323e-10 , s = 2.73581
[17] h = 2.32831e-10 , s = 2.73385
[18] h = 5.82077e-11 , s = 2.74602
[19] h = 1.45519e-11 , s = 2.74323
[20] h = 3.63798e-12 , s = 2.74032
[#1] INFO:Caching – RooAbsCachedPdf::getCache(lxg) creating new cache 0x6000009282d0 with pdf RooMyPdf_CONV_gauss_CACHE_Obs[t]_NORM_t for nset (t) with code 0
[#1] INFO:Caching – RooAbsCachedPdf::getCache(lxg) creating new cache 0x600000917390 with pdf RooMyPdf_CONV_gauss_CACHE_Obs[t]_NORM_t for nset (t) with code 0 from preexisting content.
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration – RooRealIntegral::init(RooMyPdf_Int[t]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(t)
[#0] WARNING:Integration – RooIntegrator1D::integral: integral of RooMyPdf over range (1800,2500) did not converge after 20 steps
[1] h = 1 , s = 0.700029
[2] h = 0.25 , s = 1.64194
[3] h = 0.0625 , s = 2.02518
[4] h = 0.015625 , s = 2.02287
[5] h = 0.00390625 , s = 2.29458
[6] h = 0.000976562 , s = 2.4597
[7] h = 0.000244141 , s = 2.48306
[8] h = 6.10352e-05 , s = 2.49473
[9] h = 1.52588e-05 , s = 2.91498
[10] h = 3.8147e-06 , s = 2.73327
[11] h = 9.53674e-07 , s = 2.66788
[12] h = 2.38419e-07 , s = 2.66618
[13] h = 5.96046e-08 , s = 2.64955
[14] h = 1.49012e-08 , s = 2.65233
[15] h = 3.72529e-09 , s = 2.67507
[16] h = 9.31323e-10 , s = 2.66735
[17] h = 2.32831e-10 , s = 2.66699
[18] h = 5.82077e-11 , s = 2.67237
[19] h = 1.45519e-11 , s = 2.67115
[20] h = 3.63798e-12 , s = 2.67352
[#1] INFO:Caching – RooAbsCachedPdf::getCache(lxg) creating new cache 0x600000917de0 with pdf RooMyPdf_CONV_gauss_CACHE_Obs[t]_NORM_t for nset (t) with code 0 from preexisting content.
Info in TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas: created default TCanvas with name c1


It looks like a numerical instability in your code. Adding the experts in the loop @moneta @jonas .


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