ROOT Version: 6.30.02
Platform: Ubuntu 22.04
Compiler: gcc 11.04
Hello, I’ve encountered a behaviour I’m not sure I understand. I’m drawing a 2d histogram on a canvas with the “COLZ” option to show the palette, but the palette title (which I set through the Z axis of the histogram) is cropped by the canvas. Following some older forum’s posts I tried setting the right margin of the canvas using TPad::SetRightMargin but instead of adding space to the side of the window, the canvas adds space between the histogram and the Palette Axis, is this the correct behaviour? If so how would I be able to show the cropped part?
For instance this is the code in question:
TH2I *hist = new TH2I(...);
TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("canvas", nullptr);
And this is the result
As you can see the space is added between the palette and the histogram, not between the palette and the canvas right side. Also next to the palette on the upper part there is the axis title cropped…