I am trying to compile a custom library which uses RooFit and I am getting an “undefined symbol” error that baffles me.
import ROOT
ROOT.gSystem.Load("myLib.so") # Just using an arbitrary name to illustrate
The error I get is
cling::DynamicLibraryManager::loadLibrary(): myLib.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK9RooAbsArg20fillNormSetForServerERK9RooArgSetRKS_
I tried to find what this symbol is.
$ c++filt _ZNK9RooAbsArg20fillNormSetForServerERK9RooArgSetRKS_
RooAbsArg::fillNormSetForServer(RooArgSet const&, RooAbsArg const&) const
But this fillNormSetForServer
method does not belong to the RooAbsArg class. It is a private member of the RooProdPdf class. When I look at the contents of the lib
folder of my ROOT install, it confirms that the method only exists for RooProdPdf
for file in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH/*so; do nm -A $file | grep fillNormSet; done
nm: <lib path>/libc++.so: file format not recognized
nm: <lib path>/libgcc_s.so: file format not recognized
nm: <lib path>/libncurses.so: file format not recognized
nm: <lib path>/libncursesw.so: file format not recognized
nm: <lib path>/libpyside6.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: no symbols
nm: <lib path>/libpyside6qml.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: no symbols
<lib path>/libRooFitCore.so:0000000000480bb0 T _ZNK10RooProdPdf20fillNormSetForServerERK9RooArgSetRK9RooAbsArg
<lib path>/libRooFitCore.so:00000000001af53e t _ZNK10RooProdPdf20fillNormSetForServerERK9RooArgSetRK9RooAbsArg.cold
nm: <lib path>/libshiboken6.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: no symbols
Any suggestion on how to resolve this?
ROOT version: 6.32.02 linuxx8664gcc (conda install)
GCC: 13.3.0
Python: 3.12.7