Ugly LaTeX Display in ROOT

I have to say that the display result of TLatex is ugly! :frowning:
I have installed TeXLive in my Linux box. Could ROOT directly invoke latex or tex from TeXLive or something similar to render the math formula?

May be you can provide an example showing an ugly formula produced by TLatex and the same one produced by TexLive ?

I think the TLatex output is ugly. The output by TeXLive seems more professional and beautiful. Anyway, it is a personal feeling. Maybe some one like the way TLatex does.

latex.pdf (37.1 KB)

Yes, latex font looks better. To improve the look for TLatex I recommend you use the font Times instead o of the Helvetica Bold (which is the default). That way you will be close to the Latex font.

It is not only the difference of font styles, but also the proportion and position of symbols. Is it possible to translate the rendering algorithm from TeX to TLatex? Maybe a hard work which cannot be implemented in a short period of time. Anyway, TeXlive is a big collection above 1 GB, which including many rendering engines such as tex, omega, xetex, luatex, etc. The most popular and eldest tex engine is written in “web2c”, which, I think, is hard to be translated into C++.

We have no plans to do what you suggest. Your remark is not fair.
We do not intend to implement in ROOT a text processing system.
If you have concrete remarks on something wrong in the position or size, please send a concrete macro, things can always be improved.


[quote=“brun”]We have no plans to do what you suggest. Your remark is not fair.
We do not intend to implement in ROOT a text processing system.
If you have concrete remarks on something wrong in the position or size, please send a concrete macro, things can always be improved.

Sorry! I know it is not important to ROOT. ROOT is concentrating data manipulation not text processing. And TLatex is good enough now. If I really need more professional publishing, I can use TeX directly.

My 2 cents here. Maybe it could be interesting to use internally something like tex2im that takes LaTex code in input and gives an image (png by default) as output. Users could tell root where to find this executable during the configure phase…

Just suggesting here, if it cannot be done, there is no problem.



TLatex is a “clever version of TText” it used to draw text at any angle and alignment any where in a pad. Going via a bitmap will not fly: we need bit fast, able to work character per character, etc etc … All the text string rendered in ROOT use it (labels, titles, legend etc…).