TSpectrum usage

I want to know how to get lowest point in this data using TSpectrum.

Have you tried to do something using TSpectrum already ?
If yes, can you post it to should where the problem might be ?

[quote=“couet”]Have you tried to do something using TSpectrum already ?
If yes, can you post it to should where the problem might be ?[/quote]

Yes. I have posted my trial. I have used the below command
This is a TProfile.

palld_ift->ShowPeaks(3, "", 0.9)

But my interest is to find out the bottom peak value which has -0.5 % variation. The following command gives the peak value of expected. But this program will be a automated program. So, I want to extract the drop in the data whenever it goes below the given threshold value.


can we have your histogram ?

I have attached my histogram in ROOT file.
temp.root (25.8 KB)

I do not understand why alld_ift->GetMinimum() does not work for you…

It works for me. I never said no. It can get only one minima. But when there is lot of drops in the data below thershold value then peak searching is required.

Ah ok sorry … yn that case you should do as suggested in the other thread you opened… you multiply by -1 and look for the peaks using TSpectrum.

Yeah I guess that is the immediate sollution. Thank you all for your support.