Hi Experts,
this is my first topic and actually these days are the first ones using PyROOT after a course about it and this is a kind of homework.
My aim is to do an hypothesis test with asymptotic calculator. I have a dataset, a workspace with two models: one with bkg only (null) and one with bkg+sgn (alternate) pdf. Actually they have the same PDF, but for my poi I setted a snapshot with zero value, namely no signal. Then I pass everything to my constructor:
ac = ROOT.RooStats.AsymptoticCalculator(dataset, nullModel, altModel)
When I use NullPValue() I obtain a p-value of exactly 0.5, but this has no meaning in my opinion. The null hyp. correspondes to have no peak for psi(2S) (the second, little peak in the attached image). How can I solve this? Maybe something is wrong in settings of snapshots for the two hypothesis or something different in the constructor?
Thanks a lot for help