ToyMC for Simultaneous vs Non-simultaneous fit

Hi all,

So I have been trying to implement MCToys to do fit validation on two different fitting regimes, one where we do a ‘global fit’ and another where we do a simultaneous fit on the eta, segregated into eta bins.

I’m coming across a problem in PyROOT where I can’t seem to have two ROOT.RooMCStudy objects in the same script, for one simultaneous and one non-simultaneous fit on the same independent variable. I have been able to do this for two regular (non-sim.) fits so I think the problem lies in the implementation of this.

Here are some relevant code snippets

# ... defining global fit pdf (omitted)
pdf_GF = w.pdf('model_GF')

# .... defining simultaneous fit pdfs (omitted)
w.factory("SUM:modelR1(Sig_yieldR1[{},0,{}]*signalR1, Bck_yieldR1[{},0,{}]*bkg_pdf2)".format(n_sigR1,n_eventsR1,n_bkgR1,n_eventsR1))
w.factory("SUM:modelR2(Sig_yieldR2[{},0,{}]*signalR2, Bck_yieldR2[{},0,{}]*bkg_pdf2)".format(n_sigR2,n_eventsR2,n_bkgR2,n_eventsR2))
w.factory("SUM:modelR3(Sig_yieldR3[{},0,{}]*signalR3, Bck_yieldR3[{},0,{}]*bkg_pdf2)".format(n_sigR3,n_eventsR3,n_bkgR3,n_eventsR3))

sample = ROOT.RooCategory("sample", "sample")

modelR1 = w.pdf('modelR1')
modelR2 = w.pdf('modelR2')
modelR3 = w.pdf('modelR3')

simPdf = ROOT.RooSimultaneous("simPdf", "simultaneous pdf", sample)
simPdf.addPdf(modelR1, "R1")
simPdf.addPdf(modelR2, "R2")
simPdf.addPdf(modelR3, "R3")

B_mass = w.arg('B_mass')

mcstudy_Global = ROOT.RooMCStudy(pdf_GF, ROOT.RooArgSet(B_mass), ROOT.RooFit.Silence(), ROOT.RooFit.FitOptions(ROOT.RooFit.Save(ROOT.kTRUE), ROOT.RooFit.PrintEvalErrors(0), ROOT.RooFit.Extended(ROOT.kTRUE) ,ROOT.RooFit.NumCPU(100)))
mcstudy_ERF    = ROOT.RooMCStudy(simPdf, ROOT.RooArgSet(B_mass, sample), ROOT.RooFit.Silence(), ROOT.RooFit.FitOptions(ROOT.RooFit.Save(ROOT.kTRUE), ROOT.RooFit.PrintEvalErrors(0), ROOT.RooFit.Extended(ROOT.kTRUE) ,ROOT.RooFit.NumCPU(100)))

And I get a crash with the last error message of

  • RooVectorDataStore::addColumn(RooAbsArg&, Bool_t): Assertion `numEvt != 0’ failed.
    *** Break *** abort

Can anyone provide any insight into this or how I can go about implementing this without having to do the toys manually? To add the toys work individually, I just can’t run them in the same script.

Many thanks,

Dear @nheatley ,

I believe @jonas should be able to help.


Hi @nheatley, welcome to the ROOT forum!

I just tried out the ToyMCStudy with both an extended RooGaussian and also the same pdf wrapped in a RooSimultaneous, and I don’t see the problem. Here is my standalone test.

using namespace RooFit;

RooWorkspace ws;
// The single-channel pdf
ws.factory("Gaussian::rawPdf(x[0, 0, 10], mu[5.0, 0, 10], sigma[2.0, 0.1, 10])");
// Make it extended such that the RooSimultaneous knows how many events to
// create in each channel
ws.factory("ExtendPdf::extPdf(rawPdf, n[10000, 1000, 1000000])");
// Create the RooSimultaneous
ws.factory("SIMUL::simPdf( cat[A=0], A=extPdf)");

auto &x = *ws.var("x");
auto &rawPdf = *ws.pdf("rawPdf");
auto &extPdf = *ws.pdf("extPdf");
auto &simPdf = *ws.pdf("simPdf");
auto &cat = *"cat");

// For the single-channel extended pdf
RooMCStudy mcstudy1{extPdf,        {x},       Extended(true),
                    Binned(false), Silence(), FitOptions(Save(true), PrintEvalErrors(0), PrintLevel(-1))};

// For the simulatneous pdf
RooMCStudy mcstudy2{simPdf,        {x, cat},  Extended(true),
                    Binned(false), Silence(), FitOptions(Save(true), PrintEvalErrors(0), PrintLevel(-1))};

// Both works for me (I tried ROOT 6.28.04)

So to understand your problem, we need more information.

  • Which ROOT version are you using?
  • You told us that the last error message was. But what is the full log?


Hi Jonas,

Switching to version 6.28 for ROOT seems to have done the trick, thanks! :slight_smile:

I have another question if you could help? I want to be able to fit the same generated data as simultaneous pdf and a single-channel pdf. So instead of doing

mcstudy_Global = ROOT.RooMCStudy(pdf_GF, ROOT.RooArgSet(B_mass), ROOT.RooFit.Silence(), ROOT.RooFit.FitOptions(ROOT.RooFit.Save(ROOT.kTRUE), ROOT.RooFit.PrintEvalErrors(0), ROOT.RooFit.Extended(ROOT.kTRUE) ,ROOT.RooFit.NumCPU(100)))
mcstudy_ERF    = ROOT.RooMCStudy(simPdf, ROOT.RooArgSet(B_mass, sample), ROOT.RooFit.Silence(), ROOT.RooFit.FitOptions(ROOT.RooFit.Save(ROOT.kTRUE), ROOT.RooFit.PrintEvalErrors(0), ROOT.RooFit.Extended(ROOT.kTRUE) ,ROOT.RooFit.NumCPU(100)))
mcstudy_ERF.generate(nToys, n_events, ROOT.kTRUE)
mcstudy_Global.generateAndFit(nToys, n_events, ROOT.kTRUE) 	

I want to do something like

mcstudy_ERF.generate(nToys, n_events, ROOT.kTRUE), *Import same data to be fit on as sim. fit*,ROOT.kTRUE) 

Any clue how I would go about doing this? I’m not sure how to fit the different MC studies on the same generated dataset and I feel there will be issues with trying to fit data that has been generated in categories as a single channel fit.

One idea is to wrap my non-sim. fit in a simultaneous wrapper that doesn’t affect the fit itself but I’m not sure if this would affect the results.

Thanks for the speedy responses thus far :slight_smile:

You’re almost doing it right there, the annoying part is that you need to clone the datasets because RooMCStudy::fit() takes ownership of them. I have extended my previous example to show how this would work:

void demo2()
   using namespace RooFit;

   RooWorkspace ws;
   // The single-channel pdf
   ws.factory("Gaussian::rawPdf(x[0, 0, 10], mu[5.0, 0, 10], sigma[2.0, 0.1, 10])");
   // Make it extended such that the RooSimultaneous knows how many events to
   // create in each channel
   ws.factory("ExtendPdf::extPdf(rawPdf, n[10000, 1000, 1000000])");
   // Create the RooSimultaneous
   ws.factory("SIMUL::simPdf( cat[A=0], A=extPdf)");

   auto &x = *ws.var("x");
   auto &rawPdf = *ws.pdf("rawPdf");
   auto &extPdf = *ws.pdf("extPdf");
   auto &simPdf = *ws.pdf("simPdf");
   auto &cat = *"cat");

   int nSamples = 10;

   // For the simulatneous pdf
   RooMCStudy mcstudy2{simPdf,         {x, cat},
                       Extended(true), Binned(false),
                       Silence(),      FitOptions(Save(true), PrintEvalErrors(0), PrintLevel(-1), Optimize(1))};
   mcstudy2.generate(nSamples, 0, true);

   // Get the generated datasets into TLists
   TList toyDatas1;
   TList toyDatas2;
   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i) {
      // Need to clone the datasets twice, because RooMCStudy::fit() will take ownership of the data and we'll call this
      // function twice.
      auto data1 = static_cast<RooAbsData *>(mcstudy2.genData(i)->Clone());
      auto data2 = static_cast<RooAbsData *>(mcstudy2.genData(i)->Clone());
   }, toyDatas2);

   // For the single-channel extended pdf
   RooMCStudy mcstudy1{extPdf,         {x},
                       Extended(true), Binned(false),
                       Silence(),      FitOptions(Save(true), PrintEvalErrors(0), PrintLevel(-1), Optimize(1))};, toyDatas1);

In Python, you don’t need these static_casts of course.

Let me know if you have any further questions!

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