TLegend multiple markers per entry


I have a TCanvas w/ six curves. Three curves represent DATA while the other three the corresponding MC comparison. For data I use solid markers while for the MC I use the same shape and color marker but leave the marker as open. I’d like to have only three entries in the TLegend but somehow alert the observer of the plot the difference in the open vs solid markers.

Is it possible to have a line in the TLegend where each entry has two markers and then the text explanations? Such as:

Solid Circle(Open Circle) Neural Network Cut in Data(MC)

where of course the Solid Circle/Open Circle are the symbols SetMarkerSytle::20/24


This is not possible. You cannot have two marker’s type for one entry.
I think the best think is to add a piece of text on your plot (TText) explaining the meaning of Solid vs Hollow.


Yes this is what I am doing for now.



Thanks to Soshi Tsuno, one could accomplish this in a tedius way via writing text to the canvas w/ TLatex and then whatever marker you want w/ TMarker.


See: How to add TLegend multiple markers per entry? - #9 by Sheheryar

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