TLatex type function for 3D particle tracks

I have a 2d projection of a particle event in a silicon vertex detector in which I’ve managed to label each particle’s track with the track number and the particle id via the TLatex function. But, I also have a 3D option that I would like to label the same way. Unfortunately TLatex is only 2D :frowning: . Does anyone have any suggestions as to a way around this problem?

Hi Dominick,

What classes are you using for 3D display primitives?
Where do you visualize it (pad, x3d, opengl)?


I was using pad.

To be more particular, I visualized using pad. In the TLatex function I called an array of strings of particle id’s, i.e. #gamma, so on, which I set up in a vector so I could loop it over individual particle tracks. For 2D I’m using TPolymarker for the drawing of the tracks and stuff, for 3D I’m using TPolymarker3D.


There is no TLatex3D like we have TPolymarker3D. One way to do it would be to project an (x,y,z) position onto a (x,y) and call TLatex, one but the text itself will be drawn in the 2D plane (no 3D effect).