Title of a histogram in ps file is not correct

Hello ROOTers

I use ROOT v4.00/01 on Linux with gcc 3.2.3.

When I creat a histogram using the follwing samll macro and
save it into ps/eps file from file menu, title of the histogram
is not corretlly saved into ps/eps file. “#sum” is displayed such like
"|" , as shown in attached eps file.

But, when I save the histogram into gif file from file menu,
every thing is OK.

Please give me advice.

void Test_Title() {
  TH1D *h = new TH1D("h", "10 #leq #sum #alpha #LT 27", 10, -3, 3);

Thanks to have reported this problem. It is now fixed in CVS.

If you need urgently to have the correct character in your PS file, you can change the line:

t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 182.134 sf 0 0 m ( ) show  g


t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 182.134 sf 0 0 m (\345) show  g