THstack, SetLogy not working

Dear Expert,

I have a stack histogram with another histogram that is on top of this stack. I want to plot this on a log scale. I tried it with pad1->SetLogy(), and set all the histogram SetMinimum(1.), but still, this is not working. I got the following error:

Here are the file attached that I am using:
plotter_stack.C (4.4 KB)
RS_data_421fb_total_woBDT.root (128.2 KB)
RS_MC15ri_1ab_bkg_woBDT.root (136.6 KB)
RS_MC15ri_1ab_signal_woBDT.root (74.8 KB)

Could you please help me to solve this?


Remove the line:


ohh, thanks. I missed this. it worked

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