TH3F contour plots?

Is it somehow possible to draw the bin content of TH3F histo with color coded (CONT) instead of the scatterplot?

yes, using GL:

void gliso()
   const Int_t nBin = 70;
   const Double_t l = -40., r = 40.;
   Double_t w = (r-l)/nBin;
   TH3F *volume = new TH3F("V","V", nBin, l, r, nBin, l, r, nBin, l, r);
   TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("glC","glC",600,600);

   //Define and set user's palette,
   const Int_t paletteSize = 5;
   Float_t rgb[paletteSize * 3] =
      {0.9f, 0.60f, 0.f,
       0.f,  1.f,   1.f,
       1.f,  0.f,   0.f,
       0.f,  1.f,   0.f,
       1.f,  1.f,   0.f};

   Int_t palette[paletteSize] = {0};

   for (Int_t i = 0; i < paletteSize; ++i)
      palette[i] = TColor::GetColor(rgb[i * 3], rgb[i * 3 + 1], rgb[i * 3 + 2]);

   gStyle->SetPalette(paletteSize, palette);

   Float_t x,y,z;
   for (x = l-w/2; x < r; x += w) {
      for (y = l-w/2; y < r; y += w) {
         for (z = l-w/2; z < r; z += w) {
            if ( x*x + y*y + z*z < 500) volume->Fill(x,y,z,50);
            if ( x*x + y*y + z*z < 300) volume->Fill(x,y,z,40);
            if ( x*x + y*y + z*z < 200) volume->Fill(x,y,z,30);
            if ( x*x + y*y + z*z < 80)  volume->Fill(x,y,z,20);
            if ( x*x + y*y + z*z < 30)  volume->Fill(x,y,z,10);


this doesn’t work for me.
I fill a TH3F with x,y,z coordinates and the weight (which presents the temperature at this point) in batch mode. I try to plot 3d with colored weight.
i tried with:
TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas(“glC”,“glC”,600,600);
histo3dmean->Draw(“GLLEGO2”); // only as a try how i looks like

this hisogram is then drawn into a root file.
when I open the root file (TBrowser) and try to open the histrogram, I get the errormessages:
Error in TGLHistPainter::DistancetoPrimitive: Attempt to use TGLHistPainter, while the current pad (gPad) does not support gl
what is wrong?
or is there another method for this?

Can you send a small running example showing what you are doing ?