TH3D BOX draw option overlap

Hi Rooter’s
I am trying to plot a 3D with BOX options. But the box is overlap a half.
The following is a working eaxmple:

 TH3D* hh2 = new TH3D(,,5,-105,105,42,-105,105,60,0,30);
    for(int i_x=1; i_x<=5; i_x++)
        for(int i_y=1; i_y<=42; i_y++)

    TCanvas* cc = new TCanvas(,,0,0,800,800);
    gStyle ->SetOptStat(0000);
    hh2 ->SetFillColor(2);

I tried ROOT Version:5.34.18
ROOT Version:6.04.10

Thank you,

All the best,

You need a (much) newer ROOT version.


With the latest ROOT version your macro produces the following plot:

thank you for your reply. I get the same result with the latest ROOT version. but I’m still wondering that I have realize the function with ROOT: 5.34.18 just once and I can’t repeat the result.

all the best,

Thank you for your reply. I solve this problem with the latest ROOT.

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