sorry, perhaps a totally stupid question, but I am stuck…
I have a TH2Poly and want to style the appearance of the bin borders (line color, line style, line width, etc…). None of the methods I am trying has the desired effect. What am I doing wrong? How can I achieve the desired behavior?
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ROOT v6.30/01
Built for linuxx8664gcc on Mar 05 2024, 02:22:43
From tags/v6-30-01-alice3@v6-25-02-6401-g65d7dbc65f
With c++ (GCC) 12.2.0
Binary directory: /home/mxr/dev/cern/alice/sw/ubuntu2204_x86-64/ROOT/v6-30-01-alice3-1/bin
Yes I see that line width/style are ignored. I ll provide a fix. but you cannot set a global color like in the original example. Your version is correct. Only It requires a fix. The way web graphics behave is wrong.
Ah, yes, didn’t notice, but also for me width and style methods are ignored. Line color works, which is for the moment sufficient for my application. Thanks again.