TH2 polar plot without bin edges


I’d like to plot this TH2F in polar colz mode without the black bin edge lines, for easier visualisation. I haven’t found a successful method in the documentation, does anyone know if there’s a way to do this? Thanks.

ROOT Version: 5.34
Platform: Linux
Compiler: Not Provided

Before drawing it, try to add:

gStyle->SetLineWidth(0); // axes "off"
gStyle->SetFrameLineWidth(0); // frame "off"

After drawing it, try to add:

gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); // make sure it's really (re)drawn
gStyle->SetLineWidth(0); // axes "off"
gPad->GetFrame()->SetLineWidth(0); // frame "off"
gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); // make sure it's really (re)drawn

And I’m afraid @couet will need to tell you how to overcome “known bugs”.


Sorry no luck with that, same result as before.

I did mention “known bugs” (in ROOT 5), didn’t I? :wink:

You may have better luck with ROOT 6. :thinking:

Aha that’s done it - running in 6.14 that method works, lines gone. Thanks!