TH2 option TEXT not working with font 43

Dear ROOT,

On my system, using the old canvas (TRootCanvas), the call to TH2F::Draw("text") do not show any bin content when the font is set to 13, 23 or 43…

This script reproduces the issue :

def testH():
    h2 = ROOT.TH2F("h","h", 10, 0, 10, 10,0,10)
    return h2

# in a python interactive session : 
h = testH() # --> ok bin contents are displayed as text
ROOT.gStyle.SetTextFont(43) # --> bin contents disapear
ROOT.gStyle.SetTextFont(42) # --> bin contents re-appear !

This problem does not occur with the new web-based canvas…
Is there something I can do to fix the pbm ? (I’d like to use the exact same styling options as my collaborators…)


ROOT Version: 6.34.00
Platform: linuxx8664gcc
Compiler: (GCC) 14.2.1

I had a look. Indeed there is some fix to apply. The text, in that case, is drawn assuming a size in user coordinate (ie precision 2). If you set precision3 the size is in pixel but the histogram text painting method does not handle this case. A fix is needed.

Thanks to have seen this problem. This PR fixes it: