TH1D bin error , root6

I am puzzled with the following (6.10.02, on Ubuntu 16.04)

root [0] TH1D *hhh = new TH1D("hhh", "hhh", 50, 0,100);
root [1] hhh->Sumw2(kTRUE);  // should be default
root [2] hhh->Fill(22., 20)
(int) 12
root [3] hhh->GetBinContent(12)
(double) 20.000000
root [4] hhh->GetBinError(12)
(double) 20.000000

With root5 I get as expected hhh->GetBinError(12) = sqrt(20)
or do I miss something?

Hi Otto,

with ROOt 6 (master) i get:

root [4]  TH1D *hhh = new TH1D("hhh", "hhh", 50, 0,100);
root [5]  hhh->Sumw2(kTRUE); // should be default
root [6]  hhh->Fill(22., 20)
(int) 12
root [7]  hhh->GetBinContent(12)
(double) 20.000000
root [8]  hhh->GetBinError(12)
(double) 20.000000

With ROOT 5 I get:

root [0]  TH1D *hhh = new TH1D("hhh", "hhh", 50, 0,100);
root [1]  hhh->Sumw2(kTRUE); // should be default
root [2]  hhh->Fill(22., 20)
root [3]  hhh->GetBinContent(12)
(const Double_t)2.00000000000000000e+01
root [4]  hhh->GetBinError(12)
(const Double_t)2.00000000000000000e+01
root [5] 

So except the output format it looks the same values.


Here is what I get with root5:

root [0] gROOT->GetVersion()
(const char* 0x7f422428ee31)"5.34/36"
root [1] gROOT->GetVersionTime()
(const Int_t)1024
root [2] gROOT->GetVersionDate()
(const Int_t)20160405
root [3]  TH1D *hhh = new TH1D("hhh", "hhh", 50, 0,100);
root [4]  hhh->Fill(22., 20)
root [5] hhh->GetBinError(12)
(const Double_t)4.47213595499957961e+00
root [6] 


I ran root 5.34/37 may be a change was done in ROOT 6 and back port to ROOT 5.
I think @moneta should know.

from a previous post a learned that this default since ROOT 5.99


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