TH1::SetOption() Method not working when called from TH3D Instance

Hi everyone,

It looks like the TH1::SetOption() Method is not working when called from a TH3D Instance. Here is the way to reproduce it:

Double_t px, py, pz;
TH3F *hd3 = new TH3F("hd3","hd3",10,0.,1.,10,0,1,5,.0,1.);

for (Int_t i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {

  px = gRandom->Gaus(0.5,0.2);
  py = gRandom->Gaus(0.5,0.2);
  pz = (px + py)/2.;
  hd3->Fill(px, py, pz);


hd3->SetOption("BOX2 Z")

It works fine with other instances though:

Double_t px, py;
TH2D *hd2 = new TH2D("hd2","hd2",10,0.,1.,10,0,1);

for (Int_t i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {

  px = gRandom->Gaus(0.5,0.2);
  py = gRandom->Gaus(0.5,0.2);
  hd2->Fill(px, py);



I can send the option using Draw but actually I want to set BOX2 as the default option when saving the histogram to a ROOT file so it is drawn as BOX2 when using TBrowser.

Linux, ROOT 6.11/01

Best wishes,

Thanks for the report. I will look.

This is now fixed in the master. Thanks to have seen it.

Now it works. Thanks for fixing it :slight_smile:

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