TEve Viewer crash

ROOT Version: 6.28.06
Platform: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver) (WSL)
Compiler: gcc 7.5.0


As I was working with some TEve examples, I encountered an issue: After some time passes, or after hovering over certain areas of the window with the mouse (in particular the “Eve” menu), the viewer crashes, producing this error output:

root [1] Error in <RootX11IOErrorHandler>: fatal X11 error (connection to server lost?!)

**** Save data and exit application ****

Error in <TGLLockable::TakeLock>: 'TGLSceneBase Geometry scene' unable to take ModifyLock, already DrawLock
Error in <TGLLockable::ReleaseLock>: 'TGLSceneBase Geometry scene' unable to release ModifyLock, is DrawLock
Error in <TGLLockable::TakeLock>: 'TGLSceneBase Event scene' unable to take ModifyLock, already DrawLock
Error in <TGLLockable::ReleaseLock>: 'TGLSceneBase Event scene' unable to release ModifyLock, is DrawLock

I was not quite sure how to interpret it. From what I could tell from previous posts, it seems this is related to my hardware rather than ROOT, but there was not much description what to do in a general case. Please let me know in case you need more information. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance.

Hi @eska,
thanks for reaching out!
I think @couet can help with this.


TEve an Eve questions are more for @matevz


How do you run, ie, locally, remotely? Do you know what graphics drivers you have on the local machine?

I remember seeing things like this with intel mesa drivers, setting export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 used to help there. Updating might help, I don’t know if Ubuntu 18 LTS would patch things like mesa and graphics drivers — and if it is even still supported.


Hi @matevz ,

Thanks a lot for your reply. I run locally indeed. The graphics driver is (Nvidia).

I tried using export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 but it didn’t help. Perhaps I should update my OS indeed, it’s been quite a while. Thanks a lot for the suggestion!

So I ran again with Ubuntu 20 (and moving to ROOT 6.30.02, since the old binaries I had were for Ubuntu 18, so I thought that was a good opportunity to move to a newer version on that machine), and now I get a new error. It seems like I’m simply missing a library but according to the extended list of dependencies, I should have everything, and I couldn’t infer a library from the error output. This is what I get:

cling::DynamicLibraryManager::loadLibrary(): libgl2ps.so.1.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Error in <AutoloadLibraryMU>: Failed to load library /home/user/soft/root_v6.30.02/lib/libRGL.socling JIT session error: Failed to materialize symbols: { (main, { _ZN9TGLViewer6DoDrawEb }) }
cling::DynamicLibraryManager::loadLibrary(): libgl2ps.so.1.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Error in <AutoloadLibraryMU>: Failed to load library /home/user/soft/root_v6.30.02/lib/libEve.so[runStaticInitializersOnce]: Failed to materialize symbols: { (main, { _ZNKSt19__shared_ptr_accessIN4ROOT6Detail3RDF12RLoopManagerELN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2ELb0ELb0EE6_M_getEv, _ZSt7forwardIRKSt8functionIFvjRKN4ROOT3RDF11RSampleInfoEEEEOT_RNSt16remove_referenceISA_E4typeE, [...]

In fact, the list of unmaterialized smybols goes on for very long. I have tried to re-install GL libraries as well just in case something went wrong during migration but perhaps I missed something still.


This is strange … gl2ps should be built with root, and included in libRGL.so. But maybe debian/ubuntu build opts to take a system version. Still, one would expect this to be in the dependencies :slight_smile:

Can you check if this package is installed on your system:


1 Like

That did it! And also the GL viewer seems stable now too, no crashes so far. Thanks a lot!!

Yay! You’re welcome :slight_smile:

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