TChain not reading second (and later) files

I am having trouble processing a TChain. It seems to know the first file in the chain, but then does not get any new events for the following files. I have read here and in other places that this is related to refreshing branch pointers, but how do I know when I need to do that? It seems very inefficient to do it on every event if it is only needed when encountering a new file.

I have pared this down to a simple test. I have tried it both as compiled code and in the root interpreter and get the same result. Below are three sets of code, one to make a few files to chain together (, one to try to read the chain (, and finally a common .h definition file.

Thanks for your help,


#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdlib>

#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TChain.h>
#include <TRandom.h>

#include "myBranches.h"

void makeTree() {
  TRandom* myRandom = new TRandom();
  int maxEvt = 5;
  int maxFile = 3;
  for (int iFile = 1; iFile < maxFile; iFile++) {
    char fileName[128];
    snprintf(fileName, 128, "myfile%.3i.root", iFile);
    TFile *myFile = new TFile(fileName, "create");
    TTree *myTree = new TTree("testTree", "testTree");
    myTree->Branch("branch1", &branch1, "iEvt:random_flat:one");
    myTree->Branch("branch2", &branch2, "iEvt:random_gauss:two");
    for (int iEvt = 0; iEvt < maxEvt; iEvt++) {
      branch1.iEvt = iEvt;
      branch1.random_flat = myRandom->Rndm(); = 1.0;

      branch2.iEvt = iEvt;
      branch2.random_gauss = myRandom->Gaus();
      branch2.two = 2.0;

      std::cout << branch2.random_gauss << " " ;

#ifndef __CINT__
int main() {

  return 1;


#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TChain.h>
#include <TRandom.h>

#include "myBranches.h"

void myTest() {

  int maxFile = 3;
  TChain* dataTree = new TChain("testTree");
  for (int iFile = 1; iFile < maxFile; iFile++) {
    char fileName[128];
    snprintf(fileName, 128, "myfile%.3i.root", iFile);

  TBranch* b1_Branch = new TBranch();
  dataTree->SetBranchAddress("branch1", &branch1, &(b1_Branch));
  TBranch* b2_Branch = new TBranch();
  dataTree->SetBranchAddress("branch2", &branch2, &(b2_Branch));
  Long64_t nEvtMax = dataTree->GetEntries();
  std::cout << "Total Entries seen in testTree = " << nEvtMax << std::endl;
  Long64_t iEvt = 1;
  int getEntryReturn = 0;
  for (Long64_t iEvt = 0; iEvt <=nEvtMax; iEvt++ ) {
    getEntryReturn = b1_Branch->GetEntry(iEvt);
    std::cout << " branch 1 " << branch1.iEvt << " "
	      << branch1.random_flat << " "
    getEntryReturn = b2_Branch->GetEntry(iEvt);
    std::cout << " branch 2 " << branch2.iEvt << " "
	      << branch2.random_gauss << " "
	      << branch2.two << std::endl; 

#ifndef __CINT__
int main() {

  return 1;




struct branch1Struct {
  int iEvt;
  float random_flat;
  float one;
} branch1;

struct branch2Struct {
  int iEvt;
  float random_gauss;
  float two;
} branch2;


| Welcome to ROOT 6.29/01 |
| (c) 1995-2022, The ROOT Team; conception: R. Brun, F. Rademakers |
| Built for macosx64 on Aug 20 2023, 16:04:00 |
| From tag , 21 December 2022 |
| With Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202) |

Try ‘.help’/‘.?’, ‘.demo’, ‘.license’, ‘.credits’, ‘.quit’/‘.q’
ROOT Version: 6.29/01
Platform: macosx64
Compiler: Apple clang 14.0.0

I ran your example and I get this output:

% .x
root [0] 
Error in <TChain::SetBranchAddress>: The pointer type given "branch1Struct" does not correspond to the type needed "Float_t" (5) by the branch: branch1
Error in <TChain::SetBranchAddress>: The pointer type given "branch2Struct" does not correspond to the type needed "Float_t" (5) by the branch: branch2
Total Entries seen in testTree = 10
 branch 1 0 0.0444927 1 branch 2 0 0.38067 2
 branch 1 1 0.39031 1 branch 2 1 -1.46627 2
 branch 1 2 0.0542479 1 branch 2 2 0.398669 2
 branch 1 3 0.520053 1 branch 2 3 -0.218599 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
root [1] 

is it what you get too ?


I have been running it in compiled mode and get

[8:03 reimer@CSI358562 Process] ./readTree
Total Entries seen in testTree = 10
 branch 1 0 0.0444927 1 branch 2 0 0.38067 2
 branch 1 1 0.39031 1 branch 2 1 -1.46627 2
 branch 1 2 0.0542479 1 branch 2 2 0.398669 2
 branch 1 3 0.520053 1 branch 2 3 -0.218599 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2

Note that the error message is missing!
However, when I run it within root, I do get the error message:

[8:09 reimer@CSI358562 Process] root
  | Welcome to ROOT 6.29/01               |
  | (c) 1995-2022, The ROOT Team; conception: R. Brun, F. Rademakers |
  | Built for macosx64 on Aug 20 2023, 16:04:00                      |
  | From tag , 21 December 2022                                      |
  | With Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)            |
  | Try '.help'/'.?', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q'  |

(int) 1
Loading local ./rootSetup.C
Loading ~/Documents/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.22.dylib
Loading $KTRACKER_ROOT/lib/
root [0] .x src/
Error in <TChain::SetBranchAddress>: The pointer type given "branch1Struct" does not correspond to the type needed "Float_t" (5) by the branch: branch1
Error in <TChain::SetBranchAddress>: The pointer type given "branch2Struct" does not correspond to the type needed "Float_t" (5) by the branch: branch2
Total Entries seen in testTree = 10
 branch 1 0 0.0444927 1 branch 2 0 0.38067 2
 branch 1 1 0.39031 1 branch 2 1 -1.46627 2
 branch 1 2 0.0542479 1 branch 2 2 0.398669 2
 branch 1 3 0.520053 1 branch 2 3 -0.218599 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2
 branch 1 4 0.33476 1 branch 2 4 0.701484 2


So you get the same, and those 2 errors don’t seem related to your original question, or how are they related? Anyway, the messages seem clear: you are not using a Float_t where you should somewhere when reading the branches; looking at your branch1 and branch2, you are trying to use int for iEvt when in your tree you defined iEvt as a float. So you should either change int to float in the branch structures or the other way in the tree.

You are correct that the source of the error messages was that I didn’t type iEvt when writing the tree. Replacing

    myTree->Branch("branch1", &branch1, "iEvt:random_flat:one");
    myTree->Branch("branch2", &branch2, "iEvt:random_gauss:two");


    myTree->Branch("branch1", &branch1, "iEvt/I:random_flat:one");
    myTree->Branch("branch2", &branch2, "iEvt/I:random_gauss:two");

in (full code below) removes the error messages.

You are also correct that those two error messages are not related to my original problem, which still remains: still does not read past the first file in the TChain, but rather keeps the last entry from the first file for all other entries in the TChain.

void makeTree() {
  TRandom* myRandom = new TRandom();
  int maxEvt = 5;
  int maxFile = 3;
  for (int iFile = 1; iFile < maxFile; iFile++) {
    char fileName[128];
    snprintf(fileName, 128, "myfile%.3i.root", iFile);
    TFile *myFile = new TFile(fileName, "create");
    TTree *myTree = new TTree("testTree", "testTree");
    myTree->Branch("branch1", &branch1, "iEvt/I:random_flat:one");
    myTree->Branch("branch2", &branch2, "iEvt/I:random_gauss:two");
    for (int32_t iEvt = 0; iEvt < maxEvt; iEvt++) {
      branch1.iEvt = iEvt;
      branch1.random_flat = myRandom->Rndm(); = 1.0;

      branch2.iEvt = iEvt;
      branch2.random_gauss = myRandom->Gaus();
      branch2.two = 2.0;

      std::cout << branch2.random_gauss << " " ;

#ifndef __CINT__
int main() {

  return 1;


#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TChain.h>
#include <TRandom.h>

#include "myBranches.h"

void readTree() {

  int maxFile = 3;
  TChain* dataTree = new TChain("testTree");
  for (int iFile = 1; iFile < maxFile; iFile++) {
    char fileName[128];
    snprintf(fileName, 128, "myfile%.3i.root", iFile);

  TBranch* b1_Branch = new TBranch();
  dataTree->SetBranchAddress("branch1", &branch1, &(b1_Branch));
  TBranch* b2_Branch = new TBranch();
  dataTree->SetBranchAddress("branch2", &branch2, &(b2_Branch));
  Long64_t nEvtMax = dataTree->GetEntries();
  std::cout << "Total Entries seen in testTree = " << nEvtMax << std::endl;
  int getEntryReturn = 0;
  for (Long64_t i = 0; i <=nEvtMax; i++ ) {
    getEntryReturn = b1_Branch->GetEntry(i);
    std::cout << " branch 1 " << branch1.iEvt << " "
	      << branch1.random_flat << " "
    getEntryReturn = b2_Branch->GetEntry(i);
    std::cout << " branch 2 " << branch2.iEvt << " "
	      << branch2.random_gauss << " "
	      << branch2.two << std::endl; 

#ifndef __CINT__
int main() {
  return 1;



struct branch1Struct {
  int iEvt;
  float random_flat;
  float one;
} branch1;

struct branch2Struct {
  int iEvt;
  float random_gauss;
  float two;
} branch2;



No comments on how to get root to read the second file in the chain?


You meant to write:

  for (Long64_t iEvt = 0; iEvt <=nEvtMax; iEvt++ ) {
    Long64_t localEvt = dataTree->LoadTree( iEvt );
    getEntryReturn = b1_Branch->GetEntry(localEvt);

The call to LoadTree is compulsory to move the TChain ‘cursor’ to the read file and tree. TBranch::GetEntry takes as a parameter the local entry number (entry number within a single TTree) which is return by LoadTree.

Works perfectly!

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