TBrowser Launching Error: libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)

I recently installed ‘Root 6.28/00’ on ‘Ubuntu 22.04’. When I try to launch TBrowser using the “new TBrowser” command, it shows this message and opens a new window in my default Chrome Browser.

ROOT comes with a web-based browser, which is now being started.
root [1] libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
Opening in existing browser session.

Can anyone guide me on how to access the normal TBrowser window?

I had to erase some parts of the message cause, somehow, new users can’t put link but I am here to provide a screenshot of the message.

Does it work better if you start ROOT with: ‘root -l --web=off’

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It works, can you just tell me why was this problem occuring if you have time?

Thanks again!

I let @linev tell more.


That kind of problem you mean?
If you ask about libva error - seems to be this is warning message coming from the chrome browser.
In most cases after such warnings chrome normally starts window and shows ROOT RBrowser.
Did you see it?

If it does not work, you can try alternative web browser - like firefox. Just run root --web=firefox.


Oh, alright.
It showed the Root RBrowser in Chrome but I wanted it like it is now.
Thanks for your help guys!