TAttFill::SetFillStyle() with 2001 and 4000+ arguments


I’m trying to overlay some histograms, and I find that the 2001 and 4000+ arguments to TAttFill::SetFillStyle() do not seem to work - I just get “hollow” histograms.

Does anyone know if these arguments are known to work or if they have been deprecated?

I used ROOT 4.00.04 on a redhat 7.3 machine.

Best Regards,

Mike Kordosky

4000 means “tranparent”. So, seems to me, it is normal you get something hollow. Have you a little example showing what you think is wrong ?

Sure. See the enclosed script and outputs. I was a little confused when posting my original message. As it turns out, I can see some color in gv, but the gif file looks hollow and so does the root display. Also, the eps figure doesn’t look transparent, even with anti-aliasing off and when printed to hard copy.

By the way, the ability to upload figures is really great, but I find that
(1) I can’t upload figures with the .eps suffix… surely this is an omission
(2) I can only upload 3 figures. It would be nice if the number were increased to, say, 10.
Not sure if you are the guy to report this to though.

Best regards,

Mike Kordosky
fill_test.C (439 Bytes)

fill_4050.eps.gz (3.76 KB)

(1) It is not possible to read an eps file and put it in the canvas. is that what you mean by “upload” ?
(2) I am not aware of a such limitation. Have you an example showing it ?

PS: I am looking at your macro. I will let you know when I’ll have some news.

As stated in many places in the roottalk archive the trasnparency is not implemented on PS files . For instance see:


(1) I can’t upload figures with the .eps suffix… surely this is an omission
(2) I can only upload 3 figures. It would be nice if the number were increased to, say, 10.

(1) It is not possible to read an eps file and put it in the canvas. is that what you mean by “upload” ?
(2) I am not aware of a such limitation. Have you an example showing it ?

I’m referring to uploading figures into the the forum (i.e. these messages). I found that it doesn’t accept files with extension .eps, which is why I had to gzip mine.

[quote=“couet”]As stated in many places in the roottalk archive the trasnparency is not implemented on PS files . For instance see:


Ok, this isn’t a very big deal, but I didn’t get the behaviour I expected even when writing to a gif file. For example, see fill_4050.gif above. I wanted the individual histograms to be filled with color, but also somewhat transparent so that one histogram wouldn’t completely block another in the region in which they overlap. Maybe I misunderstand the option though. After reading the roottalk post I get the feeling that transparency applies to a TPad rather than the filled areas of histograms.


Yes you are right, tranparency appllies to pads only. Here is an example:

void opaq()
   TCanvas *c = new TCanvas();
   TPad *p1 = new TPad("p1", "p1", 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5);


   TPad *p2 = new TPad("p2", "p2", 0.5, 0.5, 0.9, 0.9);

   TPad *p3 = new TPad("p3", "p3", 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7);

   TEllipse *ellipse = new TEllipse(0.45, 0.45, 0.19, 0.19, 0, 360, 0);