Strenge number of entries in TTree::Draw with TEXT option


I’ve tried to find hints on what i’m doing wrong but i didn’t get a clue
I’m joining a root tuple that i’ve created using a piece of code that i can provide in case needed. The idea is the following: i’m reading an ascii file that contains either double or string and I fill a tree using a personnal class that inherites from TTree (the class is a copy paste of TNtupleD, adapted to my specific needs).

When i do
simplefile__data__tree__->Draw(“Adouble”); (Adouble being x,x2,x3,) or simplefile__data__tree__->Draw(“Astring”), (Astring being prime, parity, sign or dummy)
i got correct number of entries returned by Draw and on the plot : 11 (consistent with what i see with Scan)

if i try now one double vs any string (or vice versa)
the number returned is still 11 but the sum of text displayed is 22

and finally when i do
the number returned is still 11 but the sum of text displayed is 33

any ideas ?
thanks i advance
myData_mod.root (6.08 KB)

For me it is consistant:

root [1] simplefile__data__tree__->Draw("prime:x","","text")
(Long64_t) 11

(ROOT master on Mac.)