Stop shell calculator from rounding?

Hello community,

I would like to use the shell as an interactive calculator but without coding.

When performing a trivial calculation, output is rounded up.

root [0] 100.8748564398013560*2
(double) 201.74971

I would rather see something closer to


I understand the vast possibilities of coding but is there a simple setting I can change?

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Welcome to the ROOT forum.

That’s a matter of printout formating:

root [0] double a = 100.8748564398013560*2
(double) 201.74971
root [1] printf("%20.15f\n",a)
(int) 21
root [2] 

Thank you couet.

Is there a way to account for the difference of 0.000000000000013 ? When I use other calculators, I am given 201.749712879602712

root [0] double a = 100.8748564398013560*2
(double) 201.74971
root [1] printf("%30.25f\n",a)
root [2] 

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