Space left after special character


I’m not sure if it’s a Latex or a Root question, but I am using root 5.34/18 on a MacOSX 10.9 and I would be grateful if you could please let me know how to get rid of the space inserted after the Greek letters in TLatex:

root [0] TLatex l(.1,.5,“Time t = 50 #mus”);
root [1] l.Draw();

will insert a space between #mu and s…

Thank you,


I do not see any white space between #mu and s.
Are you using the cocoa version of ROOT ? (if so, you should see “root.exe” next to the apple on the top menu bar).
If you are using the cocoa version it might be that it has been recently (this week) fixed.


I do see “root.exe” next to the apple on the top menu bar. I don’t remember exactly but I think I encountered some errors during the standard ./configure and make installation, so I had to add some options in my ./configure (including something about using some cocoa installation I think) to allow the installation to go through. Shall I re-install 5.34/18? I am using Mavericks MacOSX.

Thank you,



I’m not sure if it’s a Latex or a Root question, but I am using root 5.34/18 on a MacOSX 10.9 and I would be grateful if you could please let me know how to get rid of the space inserted after the Greek letters in TLatex:

root [0] TLatex l(.1,.5,“Time t = 50 #mus”);
root [1] l.Draw();

will insert a space between #mu and s…

Thank you,


Indeed, as Olivier mentioned, the Cocoa version was fixed recently and latex with Cocoa now looks very similar to X11 version.


Thank you for your replies. Your output certainly looks fine, so I will check it as well.

Many thanks,
