Setting TLegend for two TTrees

I know this seems to have been asked a lot previously, however I cannot seem to get any of the solutions to work for my use case.

I have two trees, each plotting two branches (with the same names) in a scatter plot and creating a new legend fails to correctly identify the colour of each data set.

f1->Draw("(f.v*3.7):f.t","f.v > 0");
f2->Draw("(f.v*3.7):f.t","f.v > 0","same");
htemp1 *htemp1 = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("htemp");
TLegend *leg = new TLegend();
leg->AddEntry("f1","R1 points","f");
leg->AddEntry(f2/*I tried combinations of any method I'd seen online*/,"R2 Points","f");

Any clues would be massively appreciated.

ROOT Version: 6.12
Platform: Linux
Compiler: GCC

It works for me:

$ root
  | Welcome to ROOT 6.15/01              |
  |                                      (c) 1995-2018, The ROOT Team |
  | Built for macosx64                                                |
  | From heads/master@v6-13-04-801-g314ee32658, Aug 02 2018, 15:14:56 |
  | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q'        |

root [0] ntuple->SetLineColor(kRed);
root [1] ntuple->Draw("px:py","","l")
Info in <TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas>:  created default TCanvas with name c1
(long long) 25000
root [2] auto L = new TLegend();
root [3] L->AddEntry(ntuple,"ntuple","L");
root [4] L->Draw()
root [5] 

ntuple is the ntuple generated by hsimple.C

  TFile *f1 = TFile::Open("hsimple.root"); // ${ROOTSYS}/tutorials/hsimple.root
  TTree *t1; f1->GetObject("ntuple", t1);
  TFile *f2 = TFile::Open("hsimple.root"); // ${ROOTSYS}/tutorials/hsimple.root
  TTree *t2; f2->GetObject("ntuple", t2);
  t1->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); t1->SetFillColor(kBlue); t1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
  t1->Draw("py:px", "abs(py)>1.0 && abs(px)>1.0");
  t2->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); t2->SetFillColor(kGreen); t2->SetLineColor(kGreen);
  t2->Draw("py:px", "abs(py)<0.5 && abs(px)<0.5", "same");
  TH1 *htemp = ((TH1*)(gPad->GetPrimitive("htemp")));
  if (htemp)
    htemp->SetTitle("#color[2]{ntuple} with two different cuts;P_{x};P_{y}");
  // TLegend *leg = new TLegend(); // does not work in some ROOT versions
  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.1, 0.7, 0.48, 0.9); // works in any ROOT version
  leg->AddEntry(t1, "R1 points", "F");
  leg->AddEntry(t2, "R2 points", "F");
1 Like

Thanks for your suggestions, however I’m afraid neither are working for me; the first runs, but still produces nothing, and the second aborts when f1->Draw(...); is called. Possibly to do with the fact the file is already open?

Could this be an issue with me making multiple plots? Above this code I make a much simpler plot of the same data, but with no cuts in and on a separate canvas, and below I perform calculations using the trees and then make a third plot. Neither of the other plots have a legend, but both run fine.

Note that in you example you are adding the objects in the Legend “by name” and in Wile and I examples we add them by address. Can you try that ?

1 Like

Sure, you mean adding them like this? leg->AddEntry("f1","R1 points","f");

I had tried setting both like this previously, and still no joy I’m afraid.

leg->AddEntry("f1","R1 points","f");

This is by name. by address it will be:

leg->AddEntry(f1,"R1 points","f");

Have you tried Wile example ? is it working for you ?

Sorry, my typo - I meant leg->AddEntry(f1,"R1 points","f");

And I’ve tried Wile’s example, but when I try to get the branch from the nested structure (Branch “f” containing Branches “v” and “t”) it fails

So if Wile example works for you and if your own example doesn’t, it must be something else in your example. The only way to help you would be you provide a small example not working for you.

Here is my full code for making the two graphs; the trees are made and filled in a different function and then passed over to this function for plotting.

Am I making a rookie error by including two plots in the same function?

double f1avg,f2avg;

TCanvas *cf = new TCanvas("cf","Raw Data");

TH2F *htemp = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("htemp");
f1avg = TMath::Mean(f1->GetSelectedRows(),f1->GetV1());
f2avg = TMath::Mean(f2->GetSelectedRows(),f2->GetV1());
htemp->SetTitle(TString::Format("Raw data from sample %s/%s;Time/s;Current/A",name1.c_str(),name2.c_str()));

TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Plot One");

f1->Draw("(f.v*3.7):f.t",TString::Format("f.v < (%lf*1.75) && f.v > 0",f1avg));
f2->Draw("(f.v*3.7):f.t",TString::Format("f.v < (%lf*1.75) && f.v > 0",f2avg),"same");
TH2F *htemp1 = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("htemp");
htemp1->SetTitle(TString::Format("Plasma data from sample %s/%s;Time/s;Current/A",name1.c_str(),name2.c_str()));
auto leg = new TLegend();

	cout << "Error automatically detecting R1 and R2 sizes" << endl;

	cout << "Swapping names for plotting." << endl;
	leg->AddEntry(f2,"R1 Points","f");
	leg->AddEntry(f1,"R2 Points","f");	
	set = 1;
	cout << "Retaining names for plotting." << endl;
	leg->AddEntry(f1,"R1 Points","f");
	leg->AddEntry(f2,"R2 Points","f");	
	set = 0;



Ok but we cannot to run it … we do not have f1 and f2

process.root (819 Bytes)
My apologies; the full file is too large to upload, but this is created in the same program using a much shorter data set, hence the scatter graph will look somewhat bare!

I think your macro needs a bit of editing. Now it is:

   auto amcfile = new TFile("process.root");
   double f1avg,f2avg;

   TCanvas *cf = new TCanvas("cf","Raw Data");

   TH2F *htemp = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("htemp");
   f1avg = TMath::Mean(f1->GetSelectedRows(),f1->GetV1());
   f2avg = TMath::Mean(f2->GetSelectedRows(),f2->GetV1());
   htemp->SetTitle(TString::Format("Raw data from sample %s/%s;Time/s;Current/A",name1.c_str(),name2.c_str()));

   TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Plot One");

   f1->Draw("(f.v*3.7):f.t",TString::Format("f.v < (%lf*1.75) && f.v > 0",f1avg));
   f2->Draw("(f.v*3.7):f.t",TString::Format("f.v < (%lf*1.75) && f.v > 0",f2avg),"same");
   TH2F *htemp1 = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("htemp");
   htemp1->SetTitle(TString::Format("Plasma data from sample %s/%s;Time/s;Current/A",name1.c_str(),name2.c_str()));
   auto leg = new TLegend();

      cout << "Error automatically detecting R1 and R2 sizes" << endl;

      cout << "Swapping names for plotting." << endl;
      leg->AddEntry(f2,"R1 Points","f");
      leg->AddEntry(f1,"R2 Points","f");
      set = 1;
      cout << "Retaining names for plotting." << endl;
      leg->AddEntry(f1,"R1 Points","f");
      leg->AddEntry(f2,"R2 Points","f");
      set = 0;



but when I run it it gives:

Processing amc.C...
/Users/couet/Downloads/./amc.C:34:7: error: C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations
      set = 1;
/Users/couet/Downloads/./amc.C:38:21: error: use of undeclared identifier 'f1'
      leg->AddEntry(f1,"R1 Points","f");
/Users/couet/Downloads/./amc.C:39:21: error: use of undeclared identifier 'f2'
      leg->AddEntry(f2,"R2 Points","f");
/Users/couet/Downloads/./amc.C:40:7: error: C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations
      set = 0;
Assertion failed: (isSingleDecl() && "Isn't a single decl"), function getSingleDecl, file /Users/couet/git/roottrunk/interpreter/llvm/src/tools/clang/include/clang/AST/DeclGroup.h, line 87.

Sorry, I forgot to declare “set” as an int in the extract I sent.
Any idea why it considers f1 to be an undeclared identifier?

Can you edit the macro I posted, make it work (no C++ errors), and repost it ?

I’ve converted the macro into a named macro and tried to load the trees from the file, but it still produces the error below.

#include "TROOT.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <numeric>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <TH1F.h>
#include <TH2F.h>
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TBranch.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "ROOT/TDataFrame.hxx"

using namespace std;
using namespace ROOT::Experimental;

class file {

 Double_t t;
 Double_t v;

class Event: public TObject {

  file f;


void forumtest(){
   auto *amcfile = new TFile("process.root");
   TTree *f1;
   TTree *f2;
   int set;
   double f1avg,f2avg;
	string name1 = "Test";
	string name2 = "Test2";

   TCanvas *cf = new TCanvas("cf","Raw Data");

   TH2F *htemp = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("htemp");
   f1avg = TMath::Mean(f1->GetSelectedRows(),f1->GetV1());
   f2avg = TMath::Mean(f2->GetSelectedRows(),f2->GetV1());
   htemp->SetTitle(TString::Format("Raw data from sample %s/%s;Time/s;Current/A",name1.c_str(),name2.c_str()));

   TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Plot One");

   f1->Draw("(f.v*3.7):f.t",TString::Format("f.v < (%lf*1.75) && f.v > 0",f1avg));
   f2->Draw("(f.v*3.7):f.t",TString::Format("f.v < (%lf*1.75) && f.v > 0",f2avg),"same");
   TH2F *htemp1 = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("htemp");
   htemp1->SetTitle(TString::Format("Plasma data from sample %s/%s;Time/s;Current/A",name1.c_str(),name2.c_str()));
   auto leg = new TLegend();

      cout << "Error automatically detecting R1 and R2 sizes" << endl;

      cout << "Swapping names for plotting." << endl;
      leg->AddEntry(f2,"R1 Points","f");
      leg->AddEntry(f1,"R2 Points","f");
      set = 1;
      cout << "Retaining names for plotting." << endl;
      leg->AddEntry(f1,"R1 Points","f");
      leg->AddEntry(f2,"R2 Points","f");
      set = 0;




In file included from input_line_20:1:
/[filepath]/forumtest.C:49:4: warning: invalid memory pointer passed to a callee:

The file process.root is empty (or corrupted)

$ root process.root
root [1] _file0->ls()
TFile**		process.root	
 TFile*		process.root	
root [2] 

Ah, I’m guessing that in my full macro where the process.root file is recreated on every run, the fact that the trees are used beforehand to be filled means that they can then be used for plotting without necessarily being written to file correctly in that case?

Yes may be … but as it is I have nothing to debug your problem.

Would it be possible to transfer the four branches used in the plots to a new tree with a neater structure; I no longer have need of the event class once the data has been inputted, so I could move to File->Tree->Branch, as opposed to File->Tree->Branch->Sub-branch->Leaf
I looked at trying to do that earlier in the macro, but was not sure on how to proceed.