SetMaxIterations, SetPrecision and TF3::GetMinimumXYZ(...)

Is there any way to globally SetMaxIterations and SetPrecision for all consecutive
TF2::GetMinimumXY(…) and TF3::GetMinimumXYZ(…) calls?


Those method uses the TVirtualFitter.In principle, calling the static functions, TVirtualFitter::SetMaxIterations( n) and TVirtualFitter::SetPrecision() should work, but unfortunatly new values are hardcoded in GetMinimumXYZ.

I will fix these methods to use the Minimizer class


Maybe one could also make TF1, TF2 and TF3 interfaces more consistent …
… there are no TF2::GetMinimum(…) nor TF3::GetMinimum(…) methods,
… there are no TF2::GetMaximumXY(…) nor TF3::GetMaximumXYZ(…) methods, nor the corresponding “GetMaximum(…)” methods.

Why do the TF1::GetMinimumX(…), TF1::GetMinimum(…), TF1::GetMaximumX(…) and TF1::GetMaximum(…) use another minimizer than the 2-D and 3-D functions?

Hi Pepe,

Yes one could add also a TF2::GetMinimumXY and similar.
Concerning the minimization for TF1, the algorithm in 1D are simpler, once can use a Brent method to find the minimum.
Thanks for the suggestion,