I am getting the following error while running > make
<< generating dict >>
rootcling: for the -s option: may not occur within a group!
rootcling: for the -m option: may not occur within a group!
make[1]: *** [/home/shekhar/larcv2/Makefile/GNUmakefile.CORE:41: /home/shekhar/larcv2/build/Base/BaseDict.cxx] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory ‘/home/shekhar/larcv2/larcv/core/Base’
Looking at the GNUmakefile.CORE it is coming from these line
root class dictionary
(DICT).cxx: (HEADERS) LinkDef.h
@echo ‘<< generating dict >>’
@rootcling -f (DICT).cxx -s (LARCV_LIBDIR)/(SHLIB) -rml liblarcv.so -rmf (LARCV_LIBDIR)/(ROOTMAP) (CINTFLAGS) -c (LARCV_BASIC_ROOTINC) (INCFLAGS) $(HEADERS) LinkDef.h
reading rootcling help at least I do not see any issue with this.
Can you please help with this error.