ROOT Reference webpage theme option

It’s great that the reference docs (ROOT: ROOT Reference Documentation) now respect the user’s theme, but please include an option to toggle between light and dark modes. Some pages have content that doesn’t render well in a dark theme:

It would be great if we had to toggle the website’s theme.

(a related PR is [doc] Fix PyROOT boxes background color in dark mode by eguiraud · Pull Request #13159 · root-project/root · GitHub, it does not add the option to toggle dark mode on/off but if fixes the rendering issue mentioned above)

Great thanks! That goes a long way to making the reference easier to read and use! If possible at some point, a toggle would still be greatly appreciated.

If possible at some point, a toggle would still be greatly appreciated.

In the meantime, you may also use the dark mode toggle of your browser, see the following screenshot and the corresponding setting in Firefox (Settings → General → Website appearance) as an example:

There are also browser extensions that give you a more convenient toggle button in your toolbar, e.g. https:// addons. mozilla. org /en-US/firefox/addon/toggle-dark-mode/ (remove the spaces manually, this forum won’t let me post the link otherwise).

I guess you will find something analog for other web browsers as well.

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Hello Dennis,

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve tried a plugin on chrome that works for other websites with the default chrome dark-mode-switching flag (Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents), but I just get two different themes of the ROOT reference. So it seems like something in the style is picking up on something else. The setting in Firefox you pointed to works fine.



Thx to the work of @couet ([skip-ci] Update Doxyfile to doxygen 1.9.8 by couet · Pull Request #13204 · root-project/root · GitHub) we now have a toggle button (only for master and future releases I guess):


:partying_face: (Button as well as pressing ESC work for me in Firefox)

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Awesome thanks for adding this and the quick turnaround! It really helps make the reference easier to go through.

PS I’ve tried it and it’s working for me as well.

Yes it is in master only right now and of course in all future releases.

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