Root permission denied on MAC PS

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_ROOT Version:6.31/01
_Platform: MAC os 14.1.1 (23B81) with Apple M1 Max
Compiler: Not Provided

Dear expert,

I suddenly can not run root on my mac with error massage:

➜  bin source ./ 
➜  bin root 
zsh: permission denied: root

I can run it yesterday. I did not remember I set something special about my computer. It just suddenly can not use it.
I tried

➜  bin ./root.exe 

I can run root but when I directly using root command it shows permission denied massage

Do you know why I met this issue?

Thanks a lot fro your help!


It looks like the environment is not properly configured, specifically PATH. Have you checked that?


Hello Danilo,

I checked the environment, they seem as same as before.

➜  addv2_1 echo $PATH

There is my PATH. I included the path related the root.



I am not sure what to suggest, this looks like a matter related to the configuration of your machine. As a last resort, have you tried configuring and building from scratch?


It is weird, because you were able to run it until now.
Just an idea:
in System Settings
→ Privacy & Security
→ Scroll down to Security :
“Allow applications from” is set to what ?

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