I’ve installed the pkg release (root_v6.32.06.macos-15.0-arm64-clang160.pkg) on my (M1) Mac 15.0 and trying to launch root I get :
$ source /Applications/root_v6.32.06/bin/thisroot.sh
$ root -b
Fatal in <TROOT::InitInterpreter>: cannot load library dlopen(/Applications/root_v6.32.06/lib/libCling.so, 0x0005): Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libzstd.1.dylib
Referenced from: <899F4988-A8F7-3529-8A9B-B0EF2C47FED6> /Applications/root_v6.32.06/lib/libCling.so
Reason: tried: '/Applications/root_v6.32.06/lib/libzstd.1.dylib' (no such file), '/opt/local/lib/libzstd.1.dylib' (no such file), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/opt/local/lib/libzstd.1.dylib' (no such file), '/opt/local/lib/libzstd.1.dylib' (no such file)
Well, if the binary distribution for macOS expects some brew packages to be present on the system, may the page Dependencies - ROOT should be updated to reflect that, as I was expecting the binary to be self-sufficient ? (or is that requirement listed somewhere else I may have missed ?)
Just saying, as I usually work on a Mac without Homebrew installed
But it happens that currently I do have homebrew installed, and with libzstd, but located in /opt/homebrew/lib/libzstd.1.dylib. Note however that I’ve not updated homebrew after I upgraded to Sequoia (must admit I kind of forgot I had it installed…) so that may explain the path difference ?
I guess I’ll wait for a conda build of 6.32.06 for a binary distribution then… Nothing critical on my side, as I can live with Spack-installed Root meanwhile.