I use ROOT in a simple manner with cmsenv.
When I used ROOT 6.18 with cmsenv on CMSSW_11_1_0_pre4 release, I made simples histos (see left picture).
With CMSSW_11_2_X or CMSW_11_3_Y release, and for an identical use, I have a pbm with axis and font size (right picture).
I have this pbm with slc7_amd64_gcc820 or slc7_amd64_gcc900 and only with ROOT 6.22.
Is there something changed in ROOT initialization ? Or something I forgot ?
In 6.22 there was a new style implemented but that should not affect the other styles.
It looks like the top axis fonts are bigger and the TPaveText top left disappeared.
Can we have the macro to check ?
I use these 3 files.
for the 2 version of root : python testROOT.py
with ROOT 6.18 (with cmsenv command) I got the correct picture.
the pictures are located in 11_3_0_pre5_P2_miniAOD_woRecomp.3_DQM_dev folder.
P.S. it’s a script made from an original package more complicated but with the same results about the pictures.
Your script does not run if the data files and the script are in the same folder. I start to look at it but it seems a bit tricky (several place to modify) can you modify your script so it runs under that conditions? ie all file in same folder ?
I found it !
folowing your precedent comment, I looked for values used with my initRootStyle() subroutine.
I saw that for the left/right pad margin I want :
and I had :
PadLeftMargin : 0.160000
PadRightMargin : 0.050000
By adding : gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.2)
after this line :
gStyle.SetOptTitle(1) <==== Add this line
gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.2) <=== My add