Roofit by threshold function

Can anyone please send me a simple macro of fiiting by threshold function.

Thanks in Advance.

(in PyRoot)

varset = RooArgSet (m)
dataset = RooDataSet(“ds”,“Dataset”,varset)

B = RooRealVar( “B” , “Bkg” , 10000 , 100 , 900000)
P_m0 = RooRealVar( “P_m0” , “m0” , 10.0, 5.0, 20.0 ) ## threshold value
P_al = RooRealVar( “P_al” , “#alpha” , 0.49 , 0.0 , 100 )

pdfG = RooGenericPdf(“pdfG” , “@0 - @1 >= 0.00000 ? ((@0 - @1)^@2) : 0.0”, RooArgList(m, P_m0, P_al))

pdfG is the threshold function

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